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Updates on Reconciliations and Medications: Baltic States and List of Compensable Drugs

The MPs called on the Ministry of Interior to prepare written data on reconciliations in the Baltic States, so that they could compare how they are formed and offer a vision of how to compare them to other Baltic States.

Uršlskis also drew attention to the fact that currently the National Health Service (NHS) has started significant work on updating the list of compensable medicines. Currently, NVD has sent an invitation to all specialists to review all medications included in their field, and accordingly submit a list of those that may be ineffective, outdated or not used in practice. Accordingly, when the list is freed from these drugs, the funds will be able to be directed to the inclusion of new drugs.

Also, at the same time, experts from the World Health Organization have been brought in this year, who, for their part, evaluate the system and list of compensable drugs and prepare a report on it. Uršulskis pointed out that it will be a useful tool to see shortcomings and gaps.

Outlining the overall situation in the current affairs of the list of compensable drugs, Zinta Rugāja, deputy director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Department of NVD, informed that this year, the treatment options for patients with heart failure have been expanded. Three new drugs are included in the list, thus providing treatment options for 3,280 patients.

One new drug was added to the list of compensable drugs for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. Until now, only topical therapy was available for children, but currently 13 patients with moderate or severe atopic dermatitis are also provided with systemic therapy.

Also, the medical treatment options for patients with rare diseases have been expanded by including four new medications in the list of compensable drugs.

On the other hand, in oncology, six new drugs for the treatment of oncological patients have been included, and for seven drugs already included in the list of compensable drugs, the compensation conditions have been extended, expanding the possibilities of prescribing drugs also in case of other diagnoses. In total, this enables the provision of therapy to 364 new patients.

Rugāja informed that negotiations are underway with manufacturers regarding the inclusion of medications necessary for the treatment of myoma and epilepsy patients in the list of compensable drugs. Another topical issue is medication for the treatment of migraine, and the State Medicines Agency is currently evaluating the medication.

At the same time, she admitted that it is too early to judge about specific diagnoses, because the updated list of medications is needed to understand how much money can be directed to the treatment of specific diagnoses.

2023-10-03 14:44:00
#Deputies #call #Ministry #Interior #prepare #comparison #Baltic #states #prices #compensable #medicines

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