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Updates on Lebanese Presidential File and Reshuffling of Military Positions

“Lebano Debyte” – Abdullah Qamh

It can be said that the “moving” of the “stuck” presidential file started relatively, and it is likely to expand as we approach September and then enter the month of October that follows. This means that more delegates will move towards Beirut, accompanied by parallel internal activity, and among the meanings is that the period of vacancy may not be relatively long.

Until then, we started witnessing a number of arrangements at the level of the security house after the completion of arrangements related to the financial house:
1. The issue of the fuel shortage was resolved by the army command through the entry of a Qatari who announced the provision of $30 million for a period of six months. The move cannot be isolated from an American instructing the emirate to act quickly, after a “distress call” made by General Joseph Aoun.

With regard to the “crisis” of the army command related to the possibility of a vacancy in the position of “General”, there is an idea that is being worked on, or rather two ideas.

The first is directly related to the current army commander, Joseph Aoun, who will be retired on the tenth of next January. One of the ideas circulated is that a general law is issued by the House of Representatives that allows raising the retirement age for all officers by an additional two years, and higher-ranking officers benefit, so that their retirement becomes 64 years instead of 62, pursuant to a previous proposal submitted by the Socialist MPs Bilal Abdullah and Hadi Abu Al-Hassan.

Consequently, the “leader” benefits, and all other officers affiliated with discordant political forces join him in benefiting. So everyone comes out Win-Win.

On the other hand, there is another point of view related to granting the rank of “General” to the highest-ranking officer. Major General Pierre Saab leads the list, and the name is supported by more than one influential party.
Speaking of the army, a development took place last week, represented by the military council convening and submitting a proposal to promote Brigadier General Mounir Shehadeh to the rank of “Major General” in appreciation of his efforts.

Thus, the “Shiites” have regained the rank after they lost it by referring Major Generals Abbas Ibrahim and Malik Shams to retirement.

There remains one problem related to the approval of the Minister of Defense in the caretaker government, Maurice Slim, to the proposal. According to information from the “Lebanese Debate”, Salim has not yet reviewed it, with reference to the fact that the relationship between Salim and Shehadeh is good, and there is no reason for any obstruction.

Another problem raised by some is related to Shehadeh’s current status in his capacity as part of the Ministry of Defense and not the army by virtue of his being a commissioned director-general of the administration. On the other hand, he is linked to the prime minister in that he is the government’s coordinator with the international emergency forces “UNIFIL”, and the problem is in what capacity Shehadeh will be represented in the council. military?

2. In the General Directorate of Public Security, some issues are being resolved. There is no doubt that the conflicts that erupted between the team affiliated with Major General Ibrahim, and the last of which was formed with the appointment of Major General Elias al-Bisari, led to the competition of political forces with the aim of addressing the problem, but in the end most of them were resolved and the rest is on the way.

At this time, another problem grew, related to the referral of Al-Bisari to retirement early next year, coinciding with the referral of the army commander, Joseph Aoun. The biggest problem is recurring. As major forces such as Hezbollah reject the appointment of the current business-banking government. Therefore, the status quo in force in Public Security must be kept as it is without any modification.

In order to put things in order, the Public Security Health Committee convened a few days ago in order to decide on al-Baisari’s health condition, and decided to postpone the report on his health status for another 6 months, which constitutes a prelude to not dismissing al-Baisari or postponing his discharge, and the result is that he remains Director General of Public Security until February at least.

With reference to the fact that the committee had met previously, prior to the referral of Major General Ibrahim to retirement, to decide to grant him 6 renewable months, which enabled him to take over Public Security by proxy.

3. In the General Directorate of Internal Security Forces, solutions are under way. In the information, communication took place with the leadership of the security forces in the person of the Director General, Major General Imad Othman, which led to securing an initial agreement to “fill the vacancies” that will arise with the referral of two senior officers, a Maronite and a Shiite, to retirement after a few days.

Among the things reached, securing a replacement for Brigadier General Hussein Khashefa, the commander of the central unit, who will be retired next Tuesday, by recommending the name of Brigadier General Salim Abdo, who is close to the Amal-Hezbollah duo. It was known that the direction is to establish the understanding and then set it.

This coincides with the referral of the Gendarmerie Commander, Brigadier General Marwan Slilati, to retirement next Sunday. The names of 4 Maronite officers have been put forward to succeed him: Jihad Al-Asmar, Maroun Khawand, Mark Saqr and Joseph Musallam.

It is reported that the latter enjoys exceptional support, even though he is an administrative officer and has never held a field position. The problem remains unresolved for the General Staff, which is going to the “Orthodox” class, amid efforts to include it in the solutions being arranged.

2023-09-01 04:16:57
#Officers #jerk.. #Shiites #regain #rank #major #general #AlBaisari #remains #Public #Security

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