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UPDATE Sri Lanka Bankrupt: Less than a day of fuel reserves left! page all

COLOMBO, KOMPAS.com – Sri Lanka bankrupt and almost paralyzed because the reserves of fuel oil (BBM) owned continue to shrink.

Sri Lanka’s Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera even said on Sunday (3/7/2022), his country only had less than one day remaining of fuel.

Public transport services in Sri Lanka have also been reported to have stalled as the country’s economic crisis deepens.

Also read: Sri Lankan Suffering Story Had to Sleep in Car 2 Days to Queue for Gasoline

Gasoline and diesel lines also stretched for several kilometers (km) in the capital city of Colombo.

Even though most gas stations have no fuel supply for days.

Wijesekera said the country’s gasoline reserves are only around 4,000 tons, just under one day’s consumption.

“The next delivery of gasoline is expected between the 22nd and 23rd (July),” Wijesekera told reporters in Colombo.

“We have contacted other suppliers, but we cannot confirm new supplies before the 22nd,” he added AFP.

Last week, cash-strapped Sri Lanka announced a two-week halt to all fuel sales except for essential services to save on gasoline and diesel in an emergency.

Most shops in Sri Lanka were also closed on Sunday, with the situation expected to worsen when banks and offices reopen on Monday (4/7/2022).

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Desperate Sri Lankans are seen trying to stop using private vehicles, hoping for a ride on public transport.

However, privately owned buses, which make up two-thirds of the country’s fleet, said they had been forced to reduce service on Sunday as they were badly affected by fuel shortages.

“We operate around 1,000 buses across the country out of 20,000 owned by our members,” said the chairman of the Private Bus Operators Association Gemunu Wijeratne.

“The situation will definitely get worse tomorrow because we have no way of getting diesel,” he explained.

Wijeratne said services would be further restricted on Monday and did not see an immediate solution.

Three-wheeled taxis also appeared to be sparsely still operating on the streets on Sunday, with most seen queuing for days to get their 6 liter ration of gasoline.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/global/image/2022/07/03/210000370/update-sri-lanka-bangkrut--cadangan-bbm-tersisa-kurang-dari-sehari-?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">AP PHOTO/DRAFT JAYAWARDENA Residents demonstrate near the Colombo gas station, Friday (6/24/2022), after Sri Lanka went bankrupt and ran out of gas. The Sri Lankan crisis has left residents without food, fuel and other basic necessities for months.-

Lack of foreign currency to finance even the most important imports has been the cause Sri Lanka goes bankruptwith 22 million people facing severe hardship every day.

The country is also facing record high inflation and long power outages since late last year.

Also read: Russia Defaults on Foreign Debts, Bankrupt as well as Sri Lanka?

All non-essential government agencies and schools have been ordered to close until July 10 to reduce travel and conserve energy.

Local media reported that there had been sporadic clashes outside the fuel station.

Last week, troops opened fire to disperse crowds protesting against the military jumping over the queue.

Sri Lanka is currently in talks with the International Monetary Fund for a possible bailout after the country defaulted on its $51 billion foreign debt in April.

photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/global/image/2022/07/03/210000370/update-sri-lanka-bangkrut--cadangan-bbm-tersisa-kurang-dari-sehari-?page=3" style="max-width: 100%;width:750px">As Sri Lanka goes bankrupt, people queue to buy LPG at the Galle International Cricket Stadium, June 28, 2022.AFP/ISHARA S KODIKARA As Sri Lanka goes bankrupt, people queue to buy LPG at the Galle International Cricket Stadium, June 28, 2022.-
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