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Update on Brexit: Again no progress, possible Biden effect | NOW

Brexit is back. The British have now left the European Union, but the two sides are still arguing about their future relationship. Time is running out and the news is piling up quickly, so we’ll have a quick update on what happened this week.

The loud racket of every minimal change in last week’s US presidential election drowned out pretty much everything, including the week’s Brexit news.

Still, some big news came from the latest negotiations: no news. To be less cryptic: the problems in the negotiations between the European Union and the United Kingdom have not diminished, while we are already moving towards mid-November.

Despite the EU’s efforts to find solutions, serious differences remain when it comes to the level playing field, fisheries and monitoring of agreements. These conditions are essential for any future economic relationship, said EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier Thursday on Twitter.

Problems are not new

The content of the tweet is not new, in fact, Barnier mentioned these topics at one of the first press conferences on the post-Brexit negotiations in April. The big difference now is that there are only just under two months left to reach an agreement.

The lack of progress and the ticking clock do not stop the parties from continuing to negotiate. Barnier announced on Saturday that the negotiators will meet again on Sunday for another week of negotiations to bridge the differences.

Biden wins, possible effect on negotiations

The outcome of the American elections may still have an effect on the negotiations. Thus writes the BBC On Friday, insiders on the EU side believe the British kept their feet off the accelerator last week to see who would become the new president.

The thinking is that Biden’s win could increase the chances of an EU-UK deal. According to insiders, the upcoming president of the US has no relationship with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and has always been against Brexit, like the rest of the Democratic Party. Trump has always been a strong supporter of Britain’s departure from the EU.

As a result, it seems obvious that Biden will strengthen ties with the EU again, possibly putting a trade deal with the British lower on the priority list. As a result, the British might still prefer to conclude an agreement with the EU.


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