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Update in the evening: Kühnert, nursing and the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Good evening,

Today it’s getting medical: The Nobel Prize has been awarded, there is a new Corona variant, the nursing care insurance doesn’t have enough money and Kevin Kühnert is resigning – for health reasons.

Kühnert resigns

There are constant arguments at the traffic lights, the SPD’s last election results were devastating and now SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert is announcing his resignation. “I need the energy that is necessary for my office and an election campaign in the foreseeable future in order to get healthy again,” he explained his decision. Kühnert’s successor is to be SPD parliamentary group deputy Matthias Miersch, as was announced on Monday evening.SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert 07.10.2024 | 8:37 min

Nobel Prize for discoverer of microRNA

When the Nobel Prize winners are announced in Sweden, it is still early morning in the USA. The secretary of the Nobel Assembly first had to ring one of the Nobel Prize winners in medicine, who was announced today, out of bed. Nobel Prize in Medicine 07.10.2024 | 0:26 min

“His wife answered and it took a long time for him to come to the phone. He sounded very tired,” said Thomas Perlmann. At first he didn’t even reach the other prize winner, Victor Ambros.

But now to the price itself: Biologist Ambros and genetic researcher Ruvkun have discovered a fundamental principle for controlling gene regulation: microRNA, a new class of tiny RNA molecules. The groundbreaking discovery has proven to be fundamentally important for the study of how organisms – including humans – develop and function, said the Nobel Committee in Stockholm.

New Corona variant is spreading

It’s cool and rainy outside and one or two of us may have already caught a cold or the flu – or Corona. Because a new variant is spreading. This time it has the suffix XEC. (I also lost track of which and how many variants we had by now).

The new variant is spreading quickly and the number of corona virus infections appears to be increasing. However, the Robert Koch Institute rates the risk as low. Our FAQ explains what symptoms XEC causes and whether measures make sense.

Nursing care insurance soon to be bankrupt?

“The nursing care insurance is threatened with insolvency in a few months,” warns the CEO of the health insurance company DAK, Andreas Storm. The Federal Ministry of Health, on the other hand, weighs it down: There have been problems for a long time, but the nursing care insurance is not bankrupt, replies a spokesman. And Health Minister Karl Lauterbach will soon present a financial concept.

Nursing care insurance supports people when they become in need of care and need help in everyday life. There are different levels of care. Exactly how it is organized is explained here:

Situation in the Middle East conflict

Im Livestream

The victims of the Hamas massacre a year ago are remembered at a memorial event in Berlin. Among others, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor will take part. Remembering the victims of Hamasfrom 6:30 p.m.

Graphic of the day

If you went to Oktoberfest, you might want to double check that you took everything home with you.

Update in the evening: Kühnert, nursing and the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Source: ZDF

More headlines

number of the day

In Germany, people on average go along Retired for 64.4 years. This emerges from the annual report of the German Pension Insurance for 2023. The average retirement age has increased since 2000 from 62.3 to 64.4 in 2023. On average, old age pensioners received a pension of 1,102 euros last year – men received an average of 1,348 euros and women 908 euros. Around one in four people in the country is a pensioner.

Curiosity of the day

A woman in Upper Bavaria called the police because she saw her neighbors eating her Roast pork stole. Police reported that they saw the couple stealing the vacuum-packed food from the balcony. A police patrol then caught the two thieves preparing some of the roast in their kitchen. The neighbor got the rest back. The investigators estimated the damage at around 25 euros. The couple is being investigated for theft.

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Premature intensive care unit, kidney transplant or fight against cancer – a wide variety of fates come together at the Stuttgart Clinic. Doctors and patients tell their emotional stories in the new documentary series Schwabenklinik. (five episodes, 25-30 minutes).

Schwabenklinik - birth 04.10.2024 | 23:57 min

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We wish you good health and enjoy your evening!

Larissa Hamann and the entire ZDFheute team

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