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Upcoming changes in January 2024 for Ukrainians: pensions, minimum wage, land reform, and gas fees

What can Ukrainians expect in January?

In Ukraine, starting from January, pensions will be recalculated for four categories at once and the minimum wage will be increased. In addition, the second stage of land reform will take place and a new payment for gas will be introduced. Read about what awaits Ukrainians next month in the OBOZ.UA article.

In Ukraine, starting January 1, the minimum wage will be transferred. Its size will increase by 400 UAH. So, instead of 6,700 UAH, Ukrainians will earn at least 7,100 UAH. Such an increase will help maintain the level of income taking into account inflation; a more significant increase in prices is expected in April. Then salaries will increase to 8,000 UAH.

“The budget was drawn up in this way, so as not to raise the minimum wage so sharply and see what happens. Most of all, this will affect those declared salaries and on which taxes are paid. This will greatly affect the receipt of unified social contributions. We have a lot of payers on the minimum. Unified social contributions “Salaries in the public sector should directly increase. And public sector employees’ salaries are financed with donor assistance,” says Candidate of Economic Sciences Lydia Tkachenko to OBOZ.UA.

Salary recalculation will increase for the first time since 2022. In 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to revise the size of social standards. Senior researcher at the Institute of Demography and Social Research at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lyudmila Cherenko says: with such an increase, the government actually plans to freeze the situation that exists now.

A significant increase in pensions is expected in January. It will affect those Ukrainians whose payments are tied to the minimum wage, as well as the subsistence level. Thus, the maximum pension received by Ukrainians with high salaries, some retired military, etc., will be increased by 2.6 thousand UAH: from 20,930 to 23,610 UAH.

  • The minimum pension received by Ukrainians with little experience. Or Ukrainians who had low salaries (near the minimum) will increase from January 1 from 2093 to 2361 UAH. That is, for 268 UAH.
  • Additional payments for length of service above the norm. The norm is 30 years for women and 35 years for men. For each year exceeding the specified norm, you can receive 1% of the subsistence minimum. Now it is 20.9 UAH, and from next year – 26.8 UAH.
  • Guarantees will also be increased for pensioners who have reached 65 years of age and have fulfilled the length of service requirements. By law, their pension must be at least 40% of the minimum wage. Now it is 2680, and from the new year – 2840 UAH.

A more significant increase in pensions is expected in March. However, the details of such an increase are not yet known. There is also bad news for future retirees. The requirements for retirement will be strengthened. Now, to receive a pension at 60, you need to have 30 years of experience. and from next year – already 31 years.

As a result, some Ukrainians will work until they are 63 or even 65 years old. As Lydia Tkachenko tells OBOZ.UA, on average, Ukrainians retiring have about 32 years of experience. So for most, such strengthening of the rules will be imperceptible.

Taxes for individual entrepreneurs. Along with the increase in the cost of living and the minimum wage, taxes will also rise. Eg,

  • Individual entrepreneurs of the first group now pay the unified social tax in the amount of 1,474 UAH, the single tax – 268.4 UAH. And from January 1 you will have to pay 1562 UAH. Unified social contribution and 302.8 UAH. single tax.
  • For individual entrepreneurs of the second group, the single tax will increase from 1340 to 1420 UAH. The unified social contribution will also increase from UAH 1,474 to UAH 1,562.
  • Individual entrepreneurs of the third group will only experience an increase in unified social contribution (as in the first two groups). The flat tax for this group is 5% of income.

In Ukraine, starting from the new year, a fee for servicing in-house systems will be introduced. The amount per month will be about 25-50 UAH and will depend on the house and the amount of gas equipment. From that moment on, there was a dispute between the apartment owners and the operator of the State Russian Museum, says Victoria Pogorelova, head of the ProOSMD charitable foundation. The operator did not receive funds for maintenance and believed that he did not bear any responsibility.

They say that apartment owners also own the intra-building network, and they must decide who will service them and sign the contract. At the same time, representatives of condominium associations with whom we were able to communicate believe that signing a collective agreement is actually taking responsibility for the maintenance of the network.

The service includes: inspection of the gas pipeline, density testing, pressure testing, inspection of gas equipment, maintenance of shut-off devices. All this ensures safe use of gas. Until January 5, 2024, operators will post on their websites the cost of maintenance for each multi-storey building, as well as a schedule for technical inspections.

Poltavagaz calculated as an example: the cost of work on a building with 36 apartments is 5,600 UAH. Each apartment must pay 155.5 UAH one-time for the period or pay 25.9 UAH monthly for 6 months. The price will depend on many factors: equipment, network conditions, etc.

In Ukraine, from January 1, the rules of the land market will change. If now only individuals and no more than 100 hectares can buy agricultural land, then from the new year Ukrainian legal entities will also receive this right, and the volume of land that can be purchased will increase to 10 thousand hectares.

Not everyone supported this innovation. For example, the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine has already advocated postponing this decision for five years after the end of the war.

Despite the full-scale war, the demand for land has increased significantly. Private investors are trying to buy plots before the land market opens to legal entities in 2024. The growth in demand for land plots is confirmed by data from the Ministry of Agriculture. According to department statistics, from the launch of the land market until March 2023, 153,659 purchase and sale transactions were concluded (the total area of ​​land in transactions was 344,061 hectares). Moreover, more than a third of the agreements were concluded after the start of a full-scale war, although until February to June 2022 the market was paralyzed due to the closure of registers.

2023-12-27 02:00:00

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