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Up to inaccessible China! What do Czechs experience at the venue of the Winter Olympics?

Tomas Trestik / Sport Invest

Another common affair. This time, however, training or test pre-Olympic races are something special. Although China, which is considered the birthplace of a pandemic, is not completely closed, the road there is still not quite common.

And everything is not going smoothly for her, Czech athletes spent six hours at the airport. But given the circumstances, it may seem trivial. “They tested us for everything we could,” Dvořák wrote on social networks.

The Bobsleigh Track is located in the Yinging Center, 75 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

The touching of local reality begins. “The goal is to learn the track as best as possible, test the material and get an overview of what it will look like at the Olympics,” Fernstädt outlines. on networks attaches photos directly from the venue. Hills in the clouds, an impressive riverbed that is a little different from what the bobsledders or skeletonists are used to. The laughing racer herself in the start area …

In total, everyone should complete over forty rides. “That’s enough to touch the track,” says Dvořák.

Until now, the Czechs only knew her from the video they had available. “I peeked at what I could and tried to write a plan for how best to cross the track. But in reality it will probably be something completely different. The first ride is always such a surprise. There is no one to ask for details, we all have to take the track. yet to learn, “recalls Fernstädtová, famously called Anička after the transition from the German team around the Czech team.

Dvořák admits that he has read from the video how the turns follow each other, how long they are. “But I get the final feeling when I ride the bobsleigh,” he says.

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After the first inspection, he confirmed that the track for bobsledders with sixteen turns is technical. “The first few turns fall a lot, so the speed will be from the beginning. It will fly nicely downstairs. We’ll see how we learn it and how it will be at the Olympics,” the pilot muses.

Fernstädtová has Canadian coach Jeff Pain, service manager Petr Kouřil and physiotherapist Jakub Marek in China. “It’s important that we’re all here and prepare in every way,” he says. The Czech ace is in contact with the athletic coach Josef Andrl, at least at a distance.

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Bobsleds test the track in the group of pilot Dvořák and brakes Jan Šindelář, Jakub Nosek, Dominik Suchý and Jáchym Procházka. For Suchý, it is also a test after problems with Achilles tendons.

Competitors will try the track, but expect that he will probably behave differently during the Olympics. In colder February, the ice will be different. “The track may be two to three seconds faster. That’s why it will be harder for us to pick up the right material,” Fernstädt said. “Despite the relative relative heat outside, the ice is hard now, but during the games it may look different in February,” agrees Dvořák.

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He admits that he already had the feeling on his way to testing that he was already going to the Olympics. “But I was rather knocked out that we were flying to China, where I probably wouldn’t just look.”

Riding on the Olympic track practically starts the season. The World Cup will start on November 19-21 in Innsbruck. “Everyone and everyone can feel that the season is approaching. It will be challenging. But I’m really looking forward to it,” adds the 24-year-old three-time junior world champion Fernstädt.

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