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Unwritten Rules for Returning to the Office: Etiquette Standards for Employees

Teleworking, although greatly appreciated by some employees, has had the effect of reducing the standards of etiquette that one should respect when coming to the office.

Although it can be very pleasant to work in your pajamas from home, showing up to work in slippers and a bathrobe could attract disapproving looks from your colleagues and even reprimands from your employer.

Now that health measures have been lifted and the majority of employees must return to their workplaces, some believe that it would be important to review these unwritten rules that facilitate cohesion at work.

According to a survey of online conversations published by the New York Post, it appears that office workers agree on four unofficial rules, but that everyone who shows up to work should follow.

Don’t bring smelly food

Diets and preferences for the meals we eat are unique to each person, but according to comments from several Internet users on Reddit, dishes that are too odorous should be avoided when you are at the office.

“Don’t heat up fish crap for your lunch at work. This should be a real law,” one person wrote.

This rule should encompass all “strongly smelling food,” adds another.

“I don’t care what your diet looks like. Keep your grilled salmon crust away from the common microwave,” criticizes a last one.

Have good personal hygiene

However, foul odors do not always emanate from a reheated dish. Sometimes it is those in the kitchen who are the source.

“Be clean. Be aware of your smell. The armpits, the feet, your behind, your breath, writes an Internet user. It’s amazing what losing your sense of smell can do. Even if you think you don’t stink, take a shower and clean your clothes.”

Having to mention to a colleague that their personal hygiene is not adequate can lead to an “upsetting” conversation and difficult to forget, underlines another.

“The employee will be hurt. You will be hurt. You will never forget this conversation, he says. It’s unpleasant. If you’re going to work, you need clean clothes and a shower. If you worked yesterday and you go back today, you must wash, without exception, never.”

Don’t be negative

Everyone agrees that some moments in our lives are more difficult than others, but the office is not necessarily the right place to unload everything that weighs on our hearts.

“Try to avoid gossiping with or about your coworkers, even if everyone else is doing it – in fact especially if they’re all doing it,” advises one user on Reddit.

Some actually believe that the ability not to complain “is a superpower.”

“Nothing will make you more unpopular than constant complaining, even if it’s justified,” one Redditor wrote.

“In every office there will be enemies and alliances, and you don’t want the reputation of being someone who talks behind other people’s backs. Basically, do like Switzerland,” suggests another.

Finally, try to avoid topics that can create controversy.

“Don’t talk about religion or politics with your colleagues, whether in the office or even outside,” advises a final Internet user.

“Talk about temperature and sports instead,” he suggests.

Wear a mask if you are sick

Many are happy that the requirement to wear a mask in public has been lifted, but doctors continue to strongly recommend wearing one when you are sick and have to come into the office.

The cold season is the time of year when viruses travel more. In addition to the risk of having to end up in the hospital – whose emergency rooms are overflowing these days – it is rare that we like to miss a day of work because we are sick.

Wearing a mask or cleaning surfaces that you have touched in common areas, these little touches could allow other employees to avoid contracting your virus. Your colleagues will be grateful for this effort.

2024-01-11 10:29:08
#Return #office #respect #unwritten #rules #facilitate #cohesion #work

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