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Unwanted nude photos: Bielefeld defends herself against violent photos

Many women, but also young people, have received a so-called Dick-Pic at least once. A 27-year-old doesn’t put up with that and files a complaint.

Julia Lichtnecker

05/01/2021 | As of April 30, 2021, 9:12 p.m.

Bielefeld. Antonia N. (name changed) from Bielefeld ended up with a harmless flirt on the dating platform Tinder with the police. The 27-year-old has already gained some experience with online dating: Antonia has been using the portal again and again for almost a year. So far, however, it has not sparked. At the beginning of April she then has a “match” with Nico, shortly afterwards they write back and forth innocently. When the chat then switches to the messenger service Whatsapp, Nico suddenly changes the tone. He asks Antonia bluntly about sexual preferences. She doesn’t answer and deletes the contact from her cell phone.

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