Princesa is one of the most mythical songs of Joaquin Sabina. Included in the fourth album by the Spanish singer-songwriter, Judge and jury (1985), was recorded with the group Vice versa and although the letter of the song yes it’s Sabina’s workinstead the music It is by the composer from Malaga Juan Antonio Muriel.
The theme was also included in the album Joaquín Sabina and vice versa liveSabina’s second live album, which was recorded live at the Salamanca Theater in Madrid on February 14 and 15, 1986.
A few years ago, Pancho Varonawho has been Sabina’s inseparable companion for more than 40 years, as well as a musician and composer of a hundred songs from Jaén, revealed on his channel Youtube, What no one knows about the songs we all knowsome of the details of this popular song by Joaquín and we will tell you below:
– The song was presented by Juan Antonio Muriel to the Benidorm Festival in 1982 and with it the artist was second, thus winning the silver mermaid. As a fact, the first prize went to the Chilean singer-songwriter Fernando Ubiergo with I think of you and third place went to two twin sisters, Susi and Luisi, who years later, together with a third sister, formed The Supremes of Móstoles.
– femalea member of Viceversa at that time, made the intro of Princesa (very recognizable part of the song), which is also repeated in the second part of the song and also at the end.
– This is the song that Sabina has played the most times in her concerts out of her entire repertoire; it has never been missing (or almost never).
– They have touched it so much that, a few years ago, Joaquín decided to change the air of balladdouble the tempo of the song, so that give it a touch more rocker.
– Is a very successful song with which the artist has closed many of his concerts and many times he has invited some of his most special friends to go on stage to sing it with him, such as Bread o Daniel Martin.
– The protagonist of Princesa She is a friend of Joaquín who, despite what the song says, has a excellent health. In fact, every time she has gone to see them at a concert, she jokingly said: “I don’t know why Joaquín exaggerated so much, if I’m perfectly fine”. Logically, Nor was she involved in an assault on a pharmacyas the lyrics of the song say.
Joaquín Sabina – Princess (Direct)
The princess is called Arianne Sved
The muse of flesh and blood that Sabina was inspired to write Princesa is called Arianne Sweat And as she recounted years ago, it was in Logroño, where she lived in the 1970s, when she began to move around rehearsal venues and it was in those environments that she met Joaquín. He was 14 years younger than the musician.
they had a “love affair” and a few years later, the musician wrote the song. “He talks about a girl who had charmed him, but when she got hooked on heroin, she had lost all her charm. The song is basically about me, although a lot of artistic license was allowed in the lyrics.“.
The princess of Sabina explained decades later that “Fortunately”, Never “he suffered an overdose” and that he did not rob a pharmacy either: “I managed to get off the hook in time, unlike some junkie friends I lost along the way”. She currently resides in Barcelona and works as an English teacher and as a translator.
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