Home » today » News » Unveiling drills for North Korea’s nuclear task force, raising the mood for the party’s founding day

Unveiling drills for North Korea’s nuclear task force, raising the mood for the party’s founding day

No military parade, no news of large-scale events like the Central Reporting Conference
Kim Deok-hoon and others visit Geumsusan’s Palace of the Sun … Art and cultural performances continue

On the 10th, the day of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea, North Korea instilled loyalty to President Kim Jong-un and the party by publicizing “tactical training of nuclear forces” on a large scale.

The Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the Workers’ Party of Korea, has published articles and photos of President Kim instructing and observing the training of the Tactical Nuclear Task Force on pages 2-8 on the 77th anniversary of the party’s founding.

The front-page editorial, “The Korean Workers’ Party Enterprise, which highly honors dear comrade Kim Jong-un, is invincible,” extolled: “When an outstanding leader is honored, the party becomes powerful, the country becomes strong and people grow up ”.

In keeping with the Party’s founding date, the campaign was widely reported on drills using various types of nuclear weapons in an effort to inspire patriotism and increase loyalty to President Kim by sporting nuclear power.

However, no reports of large-scale events such as military parades and central reporting conventions were announced, and it was reported that there were no trends in mobilizing large crowds or moving equipment.

North Korea doesn’t normally hold large-scale events like military parades or central reporting meetings unless it’s retirement anniversary (a year that breaks every 5-10 years), but this year seems to follow this precedent. .

Indeed, in 2020, the 75th anniversary of the Party’s founding, North Korea held a late-night military parade and mobilized light-emitting diode (LED) fighters to create spectacular shows, but last year he missed the parade.

However, last year, the day after the Party’s founding, the party held a national defense development exhibition “Self Defense-2021” and demonstrated its nuclear capabilities by unveiling various nuclear weapons developed over the past five years, including hypersonic missiles (Hwasong-8).

Reports of President Kim’s visit to Geumsusan’s Sun Palace did not appear until this morning.

Korea’s central news agency reported that at 0:00 the same day, Prime Minister Kim Duk-hoon and other Politburo members of the party’s Central Committee visited the Kumsusan Sun Palace.

The members of the standing committee were named in order of name: Prime Minister Kim Duk-hoon, Secretary of the Workers’ Party Organization Cho Yong-won, President of the Presidium Choe Ryong-hae of the Supreme People’s Assembly, Vice President Park Jeong -cheon of the Central Army Secretary of the Commission and of the Central Committee of the Ri Byung-chol Party.

Also this year the artistic representations and cultural events that are held every year on the foundation day of the festival continued.

Mansudae Art Troupe and National Symphony Orchestra held a joint performance at East Pyongyang Grand Theater the day before, Youth Central Arts Propaganda Team performed at Youth Central Hall and Pyongyang Music College under the name of Kim Won -gyun performed at the Moranbong Theater, intensifying the party atmosphere.

In North Korea, the founding date of the Workers’ Party is October 10, 1945, when the “North Korean Branch of the Communist Party of Korea” was established. 9) is a day commemorated by North Korea as one of the four major holidays.

/ yunhap news

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