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Unveiling Cancer’s Journey: From Historical Mysteries to Future Breakthroughs

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[1]: Cancer care ‌for people with dementia:‍ Literature overview and … Comorbidity is common among PLWD,⁣ and PLWD who have coexisting cancer‌ tend to have more additional comorbidities than people ⁢with either dementia or cancer alone. 10, 39-42, 38 A recent‍ meta-analysis found that the mean ± standard deviation survival​ time ⁢for people with Alzheimer disease was 7.6 ±‍ 2.1 years from onset ⁣and 5.8 ± ⁤2.0 years…

URL: https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21767

[2]: Advances in cancer ‌neuroscience and drug discovery ‍could benefit … Just ⁣as ⁤the last decade‍ saw immunotherapy, targeted therapy and‌ advanced diagnostics‌ extend the lives of cancer patients, ‍Jim⁣ Ray, ph.D., believes now is also a critical time ​for treatment advances for⁤ Alzheimer’s disease.Learn about progress made and ⁤what’s ahead for this research led through the Belfer ⁤Neurodegeneration Consortium.URL: https://www.mdanderson.org/cancerwise/advances-in-cancer-neuroscience-and-drug-discovery-could-benefit-patients-with-alzheimers-disease.h00-159697545.html

[3]: The Relationship between Cancer and Dementia: An Updated Review Risk ​factors and mechanisms ⁢of neurodegeneration‍ from cancer treatment. 2.‍ Lung Cancer and Dementia. Lung cancer is the leading cause ⁢of cancer-specific ⁤mortality; the five-year survival rates for advanced lung ‌cancer vary from 2.6% to 23.2% [8,9]….ebruary 13, we go to‍ the premises of an associative radio dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease, Radio Alzheimer. This radio, launched by⁤ the​ France Alzheimer’s association and related diseases in 2018, offers​ daily podcasts, ‍newspaper newspapers and emissions highlighting field initiatives or‌ answering the questions that listeners are asked about ⁣the disease.We met the hosts of the flagship show of the antenna: separate band. once a month,Sylvain,Alain,Yannick and Martine affected ⁢by ‌the disease,meet around ⁤the microphone to talk about their lives with their illness.⁤ Report ofOphelia Lahccen.

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