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Unveil Streamlined Application Process for New York Rental Assistance Program | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

integrate them into the workforce,since they are oftenrejected from jobs andsocial care.good news for thosewere economically affectedfor the pandemic and they waitget help paying foryork.we go live immediatelywith damaris íaz, and I knowfound in washington heightsand it explains a lot more to us.damaris: hope, incinerate usand comments have beenwaiting for the tenants andowners have waited for thisattendance.however, the process hasbeen slow. so thegovernor has announced anew processsimplified request forassistance programrental emergency.we talk to someNew Yorkers, that’s where we’re going tolisten.>> be good for the citybecause people don’t havework, need work.>> we cannot charge youonly cuomo the problem.the city helps to make them payyour income.damaris: starting today,relax the standards ofdocumentation for tenants andfor owners. I knowsimplify the process forthat the owners ofbuildings with multiple tenantssubmit claims toas the end draws nearof the moratorium on evictionsof the state of new york, the 31of August. qualify thefamilies that are behind inthe rent payment and that they haveexperienced difficultiesfinancial due to the pandemic ofcovid19, which is at riskof being homeless and whatearn 80% or less ofmean area income.to streamline processes, thegovernor’s plan will includethan 1000 employees dedicated torespond to requests, some350 volunteers will helpsolve the wings of 4500 casesrevised pending andverify payment requestsbefore August 3 so thatAugust 31 the agency is atgo with all applicationspending and that they can startto pay the money to those whoqualify. tonight we are goingto explain in detail theassistance provided by thisprogram, New Yorkerseligible and many peoplefiled by the beneficiary.

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