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Unvaccinated and happy to have COVID, he dies of it

Delighted to have contracted COVID-19, a British lawyer and anti-vaccine who wanted to prove the virus was just a flu died days later.

When he felt the first symptoms of the virus, Leslie Lawrenson, 58, decided to film himself to share his experience.

He posted a first video, on his Facebook page, on June 23.

“I hope it’s COVID because I would love to have the antibodies in my blood to get the vaccine,” he says in his video.

He describes the symptoms he feels, including high fever, chills and a slight cough.

“It really looks like a cold, maybe a little worse,” he describes.

He also adds that he does not plan to go to the hospital if he is tested positive for COVID-19.

“I’m going to let my immune system kick in, I’m not going to the hospital,” he says.

But the situation quickly deteriorated for the lawyer, who studied at Cambridge University, according to the newspaper. Evening Standard.

In a written post, still on his Facebook account, the man says his symptoms quickly worsened.

“I hardly slept and I was scorching. The fever stopped around 5:30 am and after taking some pain relievers I was able to get some sleep. I woke up around 8 am in a sweat, ”he says.

He also claims to have had difficulty breathing, “but never to the point of having thought of calling an ambulance.”

He adds, however, that he is grateful for the opportunity he has to document the reality of a “58-year-old, overweight and out of shape (but good-looking) bloke” who contracted COVID-19.

In his second video, published on June 24, he says he spent “six hours in the fetal position trying to block the pain”.

“It was agony,” he adds.

Leslie Lawrenson died of COVID-19 nine days later, according to the Evening Standard.

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