Home » today » World » Unusual Case of Husband Suffering from Severe Morning Sickness Instead of Wife – Shocking Pregnancy Syndrome Explanation

Unusual Case of Husband Suffering from Severe Morning Sickness Instead of Wife – Shocking Pregnancy Syndrome Explanation

The wife is not happy for three months of pregnancy, but her husband suffers from morning sickness every day. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo)

[周刊王CTWANT] As we all know, it is very difficult for women to be pregnant. Not only do they have severe morning sickness in the first few months, they are unable to eat anything, and they even vomit to the point of vomiting out gall. It is really difficult for those who have not experienced it to understand. However, a female netizen from Zibo, Shandong, mainland China, shared an interesting family story. She said that she was more than 3 months pregnant and had no morning sickness. However, her husband suffered from morning sickness every day and had lost a full 10 pounds in the past 3 months, which is shocking. I feel so distressed.

From the video, you can see a young couple in the bathroom. The young man in black clothes is lying on the toilet, with his head stuck into the toilet, and he keeps making vomiting sounds. He looks so painful. The wife, who was wearing a beige coat, stood behind her husband and patted him on the back tenderly. While patting him, she asked him distressedly, “Husband, are you feeling better? You’ve been suffering from morning sickness for three months. !」

Mr. Zhu, the client, said that since his wife became pregnant, he felt a little uncomfortable and felt distressed. But for some reason, he felt like vomiting. He also went to the hospital to ask the doctor. The doctor said that he was in good health and had no problems. It might be due to My wife has a telepathic connection and a conditioned reflex. Now she is very stable and doesn’t vomit very much. She keeps vomiting all the time.

Coincidentally, an expectant father in Changsha, Hunan Province also developed similar symptoms in 2022. After an examination at the hospital, the doctor said it was probably “pregnancy syndrome”, which is very rare and is also related to my experience and psychological quality. Doctors explain that in the first 2 or 3 months of pregnancy, most women experience nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. This is a normal physiological reaction after pregnancy. Some husbands feel uncomfortable when their wives have pregnancy reactions. , similar diseases will also occur; when the wife’s pregnancy reaction passes, the husband’s disease will also be cured.

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2024-01-21 14:02:53

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