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Unused, this area of ​​the 2022 World Cup Final stadium is damaged


Lusail’s iconic stadium the floor will be the final location World Cup 2022 in Qatar. While the event hasn’t taken place yet, there are already damage zones.

The 2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar in a few days. The hosts have prepared eight stadiums to organize this great football festival.

One of them is the Lusail Iconic Stadium. The 80-seat venue will be the venue for the 2022 World Cup Final.

as the final position World Cup 2022readiness Lusail’s iconic stadium be in the spotlight. Until, finally, a journalist discovered the “defects” of the location.

Reporter named Mohamed Saleh recorded damage in Lusail Iconic Stadium area. There is a big hole outside the stadium.

It looked like a collapsed road and left a hole outside the stadium. The damage went viral on social media.

The Lusail Iconic Stadium itself is the largest stadium for the 2022 World Cup. The cost to build it is no joke, reaching $1 billion or around Rp. 15 trillion more.

With World Cup 2022 which took place within a few days, the organizing committee was asked to repair the damage. The plan, the inaugural match to be held in Lusail’s iconic stadium is the match between Argentina and Saudi Arabia, on November 22nd.

Watch a videoCheck out the contents of Qatar’s hotels and apartments that will host the World Cup
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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