Home » today » Entertainment » Until August 15, it is possible to submit the film to the National Film Prize “Kristaps the Great” / Article

Until August 15, it is possible to submit the film to the National Film Prize “Kristaps the Great” / Article

Until August 15, film producers, authors and students are invited to apply for the National Film Prize “Lielais Kristaps 2021”, the representatives of the prize informed. All types and lengths of Latvian films are eligible for the award, including co-produced and multi-series films completed after 1 January 2020.

This year’s nominees will be nominated by ten experts representing film industry professional organizations. The nominees will be announced at a press conference in the first half of October. An international jury will work during the “Big Kristaps” from November 12 to 15, which will determine the winners. The prize will be held in accordance with the regulations announced in the country at that time regarding the restriction of the spread of Covid-19, including the event in the digital environment.

Compared to previous years, this year the circle of experts has been expanded and the commission has been supplemented by representatives of three newly established professional organizations: the Latvian Screenwriters’ Guild, the Latvian Film Directors’ Guild and the Latvian Film Sound Directors’ Guild. Daira Āboliņa (Latvian branch of FIPRESCI), Jānis Eglītis (Latvian Guild of Cinematographers), Arta Ģiga (Latvian Association of Film Producers), Jānis Kalniņš (Latvian Guild of Film Artists), Anrijs Krenbergs (Latvian Film Scene) directors ‘guild), Arvīds Krievs (Latvian Cinematographers’ Union), Kristīne Matīsa (National Cinema Center), Kaspars Odiņš (Latvian Screenwriters ‘Guild), Kārlis Vītols (Latvian Animation Association) and Alise Zariņa (Latvian Cinematographers’ Guild).

The National Film Award “Lielais Kristaps” is organized by the association “Latvian Cinematographers’ Union” in cooperation with the National Cinema Center and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, supported by Riga City Council.

On the awards website you can get acquainted with the awards regulationsas well as fill application form.

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