This feature film, whose shooting began two weeks ago in Los Angeles, tells the true story of Anthony Robles, American wrestling champion, born with only one leg.
New impact of writers’ strike in the USA. Filming Unstoppableproduced by Ben Affleck, with Jennifer Lopez in the title role, has been put on hiatus, just two weeks after debuting in Los Angeles.
Inspired by the true story of Anthony Robles, this feature film will tell the life of this American wrestling champion, born with only one leg. Unstoppable is Ben Affleck’s second production through his company Artists Equity, which he co-founded with Matt Damon.
Together, the two actors have already produced the film Air, which looks back on the collaboration between basketball legend Michael Jordan and Nike. It has been available since April 5 on Prime Video.
Several major productions on hold
In early May, Marvel Studios also announced the shelving of two of its other big productions: the movies Blade et Thunderbolts. Recently, these are also the series Rings of Power or Stranger Things who have been forced to postpone their work due to the strike of American television and film writers.
Supported by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) union, this strike began on May 2 due to the failure of negotiations between the screenwriters and the main studios and platforms, in particular on an increase in their remuneration.
In addition to the increase in their salaries, the screenwriters are demanding minimum guarantees to benefit from a stable job and to be able to receive a greater share of the profits generated by streaming.
Since the beginning of the mobilization, several celebrities spoke to express their solidarity with the screenwriters on strike such as actresses Amanda Seyfried and Elizabeth Olsen as well as the American television star Jimmy Fallon, and the President of the United States Joe Biden. The former president of the United States, Barack Obama, also lent his support to the movement, this Thursday, asking that the screenwriters touch “a fair shareof streaming revenue.
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2023-06-03 12:31:00
#Unstoppable #Ben #Affleck #Jennifer #Lopezs #film #halted #due #writers #strike