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Unsolved Ocean Mysteries: Giant Squid, White Shark Predator, Yonaguni Monument, and Bloop Sound

Starting from the existence of the kraken to the remains of alien artifacts

Underwater mystery illustration (unsplash.com/Neom)

More than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, but only about 5% of the ocean facts have been researched by scientists. In general, humans know more about the surface of Mars than under the ocean.

There are many phenomena that occur in the ocean and are mysteries that have not been solved until now. Here are 6 mysteries in the ocean that have not been solved.

1. The existence of giant squid, aka kraken

kraken illustration (pixabay.com/Dieterich01)

This creature is indeed familiar. In Norse legend, the kraken would destroy sailors’ ships with its powerful arms.

Even though it seems hard to believe, scientists also cannot deny that we still know little about the deep sea and that it is possible that krakens do exist. Even reported The Conversationin 1735, Carl Linneaus, the father of modern biological classification, included the kraken in the mollusk family.

Moreover, in 1853, a giant squid washed up on the coast of Norway which was classified in the genus Architeuthis. Since then, the search has continued until the largest giant squid was found, measuring 18 meters long! Maybe, there is something bigger than that and researchers are still trying to find its whereabouts.

2. The mystery of the white shark predator

white shark illustration (unsplash.com/Marcelo Cidrack)

In 2003, researchers were amazed. Reported Express, at that time researchers wanted to study temperature changes in the ocean. Finally, they attached a tag to a 2.7 meter long white shark.

Surprisingly, a few months later, the tag was found washed up on the beach. After seeing the data recording, the researchers were even more surprised. Because, four months after installing the tag, the white shark was seen diving quickly to a depth of 600 meters and experienced a drastic temperature change from 7 degrees Celsius to 25.5 degrees Celsius!

According to researchers, it is likely that the white shark was eaten by a larger creature. But the question is, what animal can prey on white sharks which are top predators? Is it a fellow white shark? Megalodon? This is still a puzzle.

3. Yonaguni Monument, who made it?

illustration of an underwater monument (pixabay.com/ArtTower)

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Reported Japan Travel, this monument was discovered in 1985 under the sea on Yonaguni Island, Japan. In fact, this is not a monument, but a square rock formation measuring 100 x 60 meters with a height of 25 meters. Since its discovery, much debate has occurred.

Its neat and structured shape makes many suspect that this monument is man-made. However, scientists estimate that this formation was formed thousands of years ago, before humans had the tools to build structures like this.

So, is the Yonaguni Monument a natural phenomenon? Or was it formed by a sophisticated ancient civilization? Or aliens? No one knows for sure and to this day it is still a mystery.

4. Bloop sound, a mysterious sound whose origin is unknown

bloop frequency illustration (unsplash.com/Pawel Czerwinski)

In 1997, researchers recorded a mysterious sound from under the South Pacific called a bloop sound. The sound was very loud, low frequency, had a unique pattern, and had never been heard before. Thus, its appearance caused debate.

Initially, it was thought that the sound came from an animal that had never been discovered. However, it was reported National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, research suggests that the sound may be produced by icebergs cracking and breaking free from Antarctic glaciers. Even though it has been solved, of course many people speculate and create lots of conspiracy theories.

Also Read: 11 Survival Films, Surviving in the Middle of a Tense Ocean

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2023-10-14 06:29:00
#Challenging #Scientists #Unsolved #Ocean #Mysteries #IDN #Times

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