Yes, grab it in between so that it is in the archives. The newspaper of Rhine-cruising Netherlands publishes one allegation after another in their continuous hunt for MeToo’s to boost casual Saturday sales, but isn’t that actually an unresolved internal trauma caused by their previous editor-in-chief? That terribly pious Fleming Vandermeersch, who was always so conscientiously nodding along with Matthijs van Nieuwkerk – whom we have now also come to know in a different way – was because not dirty of a little shouting, swearing, smaller and therefore also: throwing medium-sized electronic objects at people who dared to provide corrections & additions to his behavior to His Incorruptible Possession. They remain a wonderful people, those Only Neat People.
2023-08-12 15:17:07
#GeenStijl #NRC #Vandermeersch #stomach