German enthusiast Krull0r has shared a new trailer for his remake of the iconic Unreal. The video is dedicated to the anniversary of the original Epic Games shooter – on May 22, the game celebrated its 25th anniversary.
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The Unreal Redux trailer includes gameplay footage of bloody gunfights to the music of Alexander Brandon, who worked on the Unreal, Deus Ex, Thief and Neverwinter Nights franchises. In particular, Krull0r used a remix of SharedDig by Gary Afterlife.
Unreal Redux will remain true to the spirit of the original game, preserving the style and atmosphere, but at the same time will receive support for the current OS, NVIDIA PhysX technology, updated level design with more detailed geometry and a new skybox, as well as improved visual and sound effects (including gunshots, explosions and the sounds of steps, taking into account the material of the surface). There will be more secrets and mysteries, and some cards will be combined into one huge level. In addition, new gameplay features will appear, such as searching the bodies of enemies and enhanced interaction with Nali representatives.

On project website you can see comparative screenshots of old and new versions of maps.
Users greeted the new trailer with enthusiasm. The author is thanked for “incredible” work naming a remake “the best version of Unreal ever”which will allow you to play the shooter more “several decades”.

Many praised Krull0r for choosing the engine – he preferred the modified Unreal Engine 1 (version with patch 227) to newer versions that are more commonly used for remake development. “All innovations are fully consistent with the spirit of Unreal— noticed UberTerris. – I am glad that the remake is not being created on the new Unreal Engine – firstly, because the result would look completely different, and secondly, because this is excellent proof that an outdated graphics engine can produce an amazing picture. The case when the artist decides, not the brush “.

Some other comments:
“Lost for speech” (UnrealGGecko).
“I’ve watched it seven times, but it’s still not enough for me” (ManiejTC).
“Childhood dream that comes true” (Unreal ‘N’ Stuff).
“Unreal remains one of the most atmospheric games I have ever played. […] Music. Colorful graphics. An environment created with love. The world of Nali is as unique and exciting as it was then. I look forward to experiencing it all over again.” (Leopard admitted).
Unreal Redux has been in development for about five years and is still far from being released. According to Krull0r progressed slowly due to his health issues. Now he is working on the 24th map (Bluff Eversmoking), and the final release of the remake promises not earlier than in a few years.
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