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Unraveling the Lore of Warframe: A Journey Through the Game’s Universe and Plot




This article will talk about the lore of the game, as well as the main plot currently available.

The Warframe game became a good outlet for me to turn off the brain after work, I quit and returned, I donated to it and cursed myself for it, but once again I installed it, having learned that another part of the plot was released, which is one of the main advantages of this game.

Therefore, there is a special offer for you: you do not need to spend hundreds of hours absorbing the content provided by Digital Extremes, but only a few minutes to learn 90% of what is stretched over these very tens and hundreds of hours.

I invite you on board and go to space!

This Orbiter is a Tenno ship.

The story of the game’s universe begins during the Heyday.

The Orokin Empire, ruled by the Primordial System, is led by the Council of Seven and the Emperor. Before the Orokin, there was a lost civilization of Earth, lost in the war, obviously, this is our real world.

The Orokin Empire is afraid of artificial intelligence, which, apparently, caused the death of the old world, and also has a technology that can give immortality called Kuva. The economic system of slavery, the elite stuffed with Kuva can live almost forever, the main workforce – the Grineer, were produced artificially and did all the dirty work. Paralaristal – the intelligentsia of that world, doctors, scientists, elected Advisers. Sektarus – Pilots who plowed space both for research purposes and on military missions.

Zariman, one of the colonization ships.

Most of all, the Orokin valued beauty that was unfamiliar to us, but somehow depraved. They valued symmetry and diversity most of all, and the level of development of genetic engineering made it possible to create all this.

Orokin technologies have reached the level that they were able to leave the solar system, life in which, due to the destruction of life on Earth during the past civilization, and also, I suppose, overpopulation, because the elite lived for centuries, and the production of slaves did not stop, became impossible. And so the Orokin learned to open the Abyss – a kind of material layer through which the Orokin could travel faster than the speed of light. Almost like a wormhole. So they got to the Tau system, finding life there, it was decided to colonize it.

On one of these trips, the colonial ship Zariman was lost in the Abyss, and after that he was even able to return, the only one of all the lost ships. This was not the only strange thing, because all the adults disappeared, and the children received superpowers, but scientists could not understand how and why this happened, which is why it was decided to immerse the children in cryosleep in order to continue research when the technology reaches the right level.

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Orokin scientists create a new kind of modified people, sisters with a mental connection, but the technology was not developed, as it seemed to lead nowhere. They decided not to destroy the girls, but placed them with the Grineer, the rest of the slaves.

The colonization of the Tau did not happen as easily as the Grineer would have liked, then a new kind of semi-living machines were created that could improve themselves and reproduce themselves. They were called the Sentients. Do you now think that this will not lead to anything good? The Orokins also thought that all Owners had a defect that disabled the ability to breed when passing through the Abyss (so that the machines would not return and pile on everyone). But the machines continue to evolve and begin to realize themselves, the Orokins start a war with them, but all attempts so far are in vain, the Possessors destroy everyone who comes out of the Abyss, and the Tau system is under their control.


It is not clear who used the Technocyte virus, in fact, these are uncontrollable nanorobots designed to destroy both living and non-living things, as well as combine organic matter with inorganic matter, resulting in new monsters called infected. The Technocyte also had the ability to self-develop and continuously improved, so he began to create the Ancients – the infected, able to heal other infected, now the Orokin became even more difficult, because the Technocyte reached the solar system and the battle was fought on two fronts.

Sarina – a thunderstorm of all living and dead

An accident occurs at the station where the frozen children from Zariman were located and one of the cyborgs goes out of control and starts killing soldiers, as it turns out a little later, it was controlled by one of the children. Then the Orokin decide to combine the powers of the mechanical bodies and the children of Zariman. This is how warframes were born. In fact, puppets, puppets of those children.

Scientist Margulis is developing a system for transferring the consciousness of children into a warframe, and also educates children and plays the role of a mother for them. According to ability, children are divided into 5 paths: Madurai, Zenurik, Unairi, Vazarin and Naramon. This is how Tenno appear, and warframes help to focus the energy of children into something controlled and defined, each Tenno needs its own frame, which will be the conductor of its strength. Regarding frames, this is not just a suit, this is a real body that can bleed, breathe, and there is even a version that this is a cybernetic human body (I also like this hypothesis).

Architecture Orokin

The inhabitants of the Orokin empire do not quite understand the Tenno, they are afraid of them, which does not prevent the kids in their costumes from destroying the Owners, ousting them from the Solar System as a result. And thanks to the immunity of Warframes to the Technocyte, they also successfully fight the infected. But here is a small jamb, there are objects that indicate the possibility of frames to get infected. Well, let’s not.

Meanwhile, the Grineer are beginning to be made into soldiers, not just slaves as before.

Owner of Nat, as it turns out later, is the mother of all Tenno – Lotus, wants the kids to destroy both Orokin and all Owners. And the Orokin Council is killing Margulis and wants to seize absolute power over the Tenno themselves. On the planet Pluto, a celebration is announced in honor of the victory over the Possessors, all the Tenno arrive there and the massacre begins, so a huge number of Sectarians die – the pilots of the ships, because of which many ships remain in the Abyss, while others simply hang out in Space. Such ships were quickly chosen by the infected and made real hives out of them.

Nata immerses the Tenno in cryosleep, takes them to the Moon, and transfers the Moon itself to the Abyss, where no one can get them, neither the Possessors nor the Orokin. So Nata takes the name Lotus, abandoning the Possessors.

Many years later, one of the Orokin archaeologists unearths the remains of HongHao, Nata’s father, which, in fact, resurrects him. Papa, without thinking twice, summon to the solar system all the surviving Owners who began to seek help to fight the Tenno. One of these assistants is the Stalker – a frame controlled by the spirit of the Owner, armed with the War Shard sword, where, as I understand it, the very soul of the Stalker is contained.

Remember the two bred sisters? So they survived and now their goal was the destruction of the Orokin, and over Grineer they gained power and became Queens, some Orokins even join them.

The Technocyte is nearly defeated, but Lifantis, Lord of the Infested, is born on one of the Infested hive ships.

World of the Infected

Grineer, under the rule of the Queens, successfully pushes the Orokin empire, and they, in turn, hide and become a new faction – the Corps, now it is not an advanced technopower, but more of a religious state that begins to slowly cooperate and trade with the Grineer, but skirmishes continue to happen. The structure of the Grineer has become fragmented, now they are divided into military factions, each of which is commanded by a general. Because of what the Corps can be friends with one general, but at war with another, and the power of the Queens remains unquestioned for former slaves.

Lotus, fearful of the growing power of the Grineer, begins to awaken the Tenno and their Warframes, but as Hundreds of years have passed, training has to be carried out from the beginning, and the memory of superchildren is completely absent. The Stalker, meanwhile, continues to search for Tenno and Warframes and destroy them. At the same time, Captain Vor, one of the closest to the Queens, is also looking for frames to learn more about the past civilization, and he also learned to receive the power of the Abyss through them, which makes him stronger.

Captain Vor with his bodyguards

And then, after two pages of text, we appear. Captain Vor, having opened another capsule with a warframe, accidentally activates it, we seriously injure the Captain and run away. And the Thief is already being exiled by the Queens, dissatisfied with his oversight, but he has already received enough energy of the Abyss to become immortal and equal in strength to the Tenno.

The Tenno begin an active war with the Grineer, opening closed vaults with the infected, which break out again and spread the Technocyte.

In this world, we have to play and learn even more.

Harrow Prime, my favorite warframe

If you want to continue the story, subscribe to my blog so as not to miss it. In the next part, I will talk about the plot, which will be created by our character.

2023-07-20 20:00:45

#Warframe #Part #DTF #Games

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