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Unquestionable remedies against hangovers Click mobile

Against the hangover, Eugen Giurgiu, doctor in biochemistry, with skills in phytotherapy and nutrition, recommends in his paper: “The book of our health” a series of effective natural remedies, which are easily applied in practice:

Green tea competes with coffee

Nutritionists have found that green tea removes hangovers much faster than a cup of strong coffee. An excellent liqueur containing green tea is prepared from the following ingredients: three teaspoons of green tea, the juice of a lemon, a teaspoon of honey, 200 ml of plain mineral water and 500 ml of hot water, which boiled for a minute. The drink is infused for five minutes and then drunk.

Banana peel tea repels the effects of alcohol

Another tea that repels hangovers is made from the peel of a banana. Boil a banana peel in 500 ml of water. After the first boil, take the teapot off the heat and drink the tea hot.

Ginger infusion “doctor” anti-hangover

Among the indisputable remedies in case of hangover is the infusion of ginger, because it removes the feeling of vomiting, headaches and nausea. The tea is made from a teaspoon of grated ginger and a cup of hot water. The plant is boiled for one minute, then left to infuse for 4 minutes. The infusion can be sweetened with honey to taste.

St. John’s wort and parsley quickly fight hangovers

Herbal medicine estimates that St. John’s wort and parsley are among the most effective remedies to combat the effects of excess alcohol. For example, the infusion of St. John’s wort (which is prepared from two teaspoons of dried St. John’s wort and a cup of hot water, in which a little salt is added) has immediate results. For those who want to recover from excessive alcohol consumption, just as effective is a salad prepared from parsley, seasoned with citrus juice.

Hive products cancel out the effects of drunkenness

Beekeepers have found that hive products are excellent cures that nullify the effects of drunkenness. In such situations, the victim of alcohol must eat a slice of bread sprinkled with 15 drops of propolis. The effect is not to be expected: after a maximum of 30 minutes, the person in question gets rid of any discomfort caused by excessive alcohol.

Before the party, drink a tea sweetened with honey

Honey is an exceptional gastric bandage! If two teaspoons of honey are administered in a cup of tea before the party, the effects of alcohol are minimal.

British researchers recommend the best remedy for drunkenness

Following a study, British researchers concluded that an unparalleled remedy for hangovers is a slice of bread smeared with butter and honey, followed by a hot tea. A similar conclusion was reached by the Royal Society of Chemistry, which stated that the best remedy for hangovers is a breakfast that includes honey or a very sweet syrup. These foods help the weakened body to replenish its reserves of potassium, sodium and fructose, eliminating hangovers.

John Emsley, a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, one of the authors

The study stated that: “Drunkenness comes from alcohol, and hangover is the effect of acidaldehyde. These are toxic chemicals that result from the processing of alcohol in the body and that cause headaches, dizziness and vomiting. The hangover gradually disappears as the acidaldehydes are transformed into less toxic chemicals.

Tangerine juice fights nausea and indigestion

Another effective solution to combat nausea and indigestion is fresh tangerine juice. The fruits have the same effects, eaten fresh. .

What else should the hangover consume

Water and vitamin elephants work wonders after a drunk! The hangover must consume a lot of mineral water, B vitamins and vitamin C, but also minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Vegetable or chicken soups, sour with lemon or borscht are remedies for such situations.

A folk remedy-cabbage juice

A drink frequently used after parties is cabbage juice or millet, as it is popularly called. One glass of this drink is drunk every hour. Pickles, preserved in brine, are also consumed for the same purpose, because salt fights the dehydration caused by alcohol consumption.

Jiguja, the 21st century cure for hangovers

For people who no longer accept remedies from the elderly there is a modern cure – Jiguja. It is a drink obtained from an extract of oriental plants. The liqueur is considered by specialists to be the medicine of the twenty-first century for hangovers. The method of processing the ingredients is unique because, during processing, the active principles of the plants in the composition of this comforting drink are kept intact. Jiguja is also beneficial for people who exert intense physical and intellectual effort.

The miracle cure can be purchased from plafar stores.

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