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Unpublished tweet “evidence” of planning – VG

BA SUPPORTERS “FIGHT AS THE FUCK”: Donald Trump gave a controversial speech on January 6, 2021 when his supporters stormed Congress. An unpublished Twitter message proves that the speech was planned, according to the Committee investigating the storm. The photo was taken in 2020, during an election rally in New Hampshire.

A mysterious Twitter message with the stamp “seen by the president” was presented during Tuesday’s hearing as proof that the violent riots on January 6 last year were planned.


Less than 50 minutes ago

“I’m Gonna Have a Big Speech at 10 a.m. on January 6” at Ellipse (south of the White House). Please, come early, massive crowds are expected. March to the Capitol afterwards. Stop the Steal !! »

This must be the draft to a Twitter message from the then president’s account ahead of the congressional storm on January 6 last year, according to the official committee investigating the riots.

The Twitter message was never published, but had the stamp “The President has seen”. Where and when the stamp originated is unclear.

The committee in the House of Representatives presented the report, which they have obtained from the US National Archives, during the seventh open part of the hearing on Tuesday.

“SET”: The Twitter message that was presented during the January 6 hearing.

– Conscious strategy

Seven people lost his life in the chaos that ensued when hundreds of Trump supporters broke into the National Assembly seat in Washington, furiously convinced that the presidential election had been stolen from them.

Trump supporters, several of them armed, wanted to prevent the Senate from approving the official election result. Democrat candidate Joe Biden had cheated his way to election victory, they said – a theory known in the United States as “the big lie”.

During his speech on January 6, 2021, Trump urged his supporters to march toward Congress.

– We’ll fight like hell. And if you do not fight like hell, you will not have any more land, Trump said.

Trump has said all along that the speech was spontaneous and rejected accusations that the riots were planned.

Democratic committee member Stephanie Murphy presented the unpublished Twitter message as alleged evidence that the ex-president was involved in planning the riots.

“The evidence confirms that this was not a spontaneous call to action, but rather a deliberate strategy determined in advance by the president,” Murphy said.

The committee also showed other reports that they thought indicated that the demonstration was planned.

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– Red wedding

In a message, organizer Kylie Kremer wrote that Trump was going to summon the supporters to a march “unexpected”, according to The Guardian.

The committee also played several audio clips, including this:

“You should understand one thing. Red wave, bitch. There will be a red wedding on January 6 “, said an anonymous user called” Salty Cracker “.

“Red Wedding” should be a reference to the bloody, deadly wedding in the TV series “Game of Thrones”, according to The Guardian.

Democrat Jamie Raskin, who led the charges against Trump on Tuesday, called it a code language for mass slaughter, according to the news agency Reuters.

WARNING: Jamie Raskin said the January 6 hearings must be used to prevent future political violence.

Watergate a “scout meeting” for comparison

“American massacre: that’s Donald Trump’s true legacy,” Raskin said.

Trump’s attempt to retain the presidency by force, Raskin said, almost toppled the US constitutional order and “brutalized hundreds and hundreds of people.”

“The Watergate burglary was like a scout meeting compared to this attack on our people and our institutions,” he said.

Watergate scandals from 1972 ended with Richard Nixon, then Republican president, having to go after revelations that his people had broken into the Democrats’ headquarters.

“We must defend both our democracy and our freedom with all we have to end this American massacre here and now,” Raskin said.

– Trump is not a child

Liz Cheney, a Republican and deputy committee chair, said the committee’s six hearings so far had shown how advisers and other staff members had repeatedly explained to Trump that there was no evidence of electoral fraud.

– President Trump is a 76 year old man. He is not an impressionable child. Like everyone else in our country, he is responsible for his own actions and choices, Cheney said.

– And Donald Trump can not escape responsibility for being blind on purpose.

FURTHER: Liz Cheney accused Trump of trying to ease responsibility for the storming of Congress onto a smaller group of provocateurs. “This is, of course, nonsense,” Cheney said during Tuesday’s hearing.

Cheney also said that the ex-president last week tried to call a witness who is involved in the investigation, but who has not yet been involved in the hearing.

According to Cheney, the witness did not answer Trump and instead notified his lawyer.

“Let me say one more time: we will take all attempts to influence testimony very seriously,” Cheney said. The Guardian.

Cheney warned during the previous hearing that Trump had contacted two witnesses and asked them to remain loyal during the hearings with the committee.

Trump has called the content of the hearings «A complete and total lie» and believes the committee is politically motivated.

Oath Keepers spokesman testified

Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and QAnon supporters, who had previously demonstrated in support of then-President Donald Trump, are among the right-wing radical groups suspected of playing a key role in the storm.

The Oath Keepers have denied that there were any plans to storm Congress.

Former Oath Keeper spokesman Jason Van Tatenhove said the movement was a “violent militia”.

– I think the best illustration of what Oath Keepers is, happened on January 6.

WITNESS: Jason Van Tatenhove, former spokesman for the Oath Keepers, spoke during the hearing on Tuesday, July 12.

The long, live January 6 hearings have created a series of shocking headlines since they began about a month ago.

Less than 20 minutes into the first hearing, the first bomb went off.

Trump is said to have said that the furious mob, which massed “hang Mike Pence” while storming the National Assembly, krequest was right and that the then vice president possibly deserved it, according to a testimony.

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