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Unpublished! Construction in 10 days of hospital to stop coronavirus can be seen live

At the end of this hospital, a larger one will be built.


The Chinese government announced last week the 10-day construction of a hospital with 1,000 beds. The issue surprised the world by the speed raised and to be destined to curb the health alert (now international) that involves the coronavirus in Wuhan, its epicenter.

The coronavirus crisis – which, for the moment, has caused 170 deaths– has put the Chinese authorities to work. Its unprecedented action protocol seeks to curb the number of infected by all means, which already exceeds 8,000 on Chinese soil alone.

The temporary hospital with prefabricated components is called to prevent the collapse of the health system of the Asian country, which cannot absorb the extraordinary increase in patients and is already running out of human resources and without materials in Wuhan.

The cThe construction of this hospital has already gone viral on the internet thanks to the possibility of seeing it live through Chinese national television and other platforms. After this new and provisional sanitary building, it is planned that the works of another of even greater size begin. However, what nor have explained the authorities of the country is how they plan to meet the needs of staff.

The Chinese authorities will allocate about 300 million yuan (about $ 43 million) to this hospital, located about 25 kilometers from the Wuhan metropolitan area, as estimated by the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC).

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