Text: Fanny Suteau and Marco Polisson– Just arrived and already in the ring. As tradition dictates, Fabienne Buccio paid tribute to the dead of all wars at the Parc de la Tête d’Or. The opportunity to introduce himself to the Lyonnais and more particularly to their green mayor who still has not returned.
On Remembrance Island, the sun has peeked out. Despite the winter temperatures, many Lyon figures gathered to pay tribute to the dead of the various wars on this Monday, January 30, the highlight of the installation of the new prefect of the AURA Region, Fabienne Buccio.
Fabienne Buccio paid tribute to the dead for France in front of the monument on the Island of Remembrance
The one who is also prefect of the Rhône took the opportunity to lay a wreath in front of the war memorial before greeting the cadets of the Republic of the National Police and thanking the children of the Tonkin college and the Nigritelle Noire school in Villeurbanne, come to sing the Marseillaise.
His career in the prefectural
What do we know about his professional career? Fabienne Buccio was born in Gap on November 30, 1959. Her father, Georges Grimaud, was a house painter and his mother a housekeeper. She married Alain Buccio in 1981, can we read on his Wikipedia file. It displays in the buttonhole a beautiful series of decorations to make the chef green with envy. Christophe Marguin.
But before getting there, she passed a DUT in business and administration management, then a master’s degree in public law and the competition for the Regional Institute of Administration in Lyon. In 1998, she became sub-prefect of 2e class in Corrèze and is noticed by Jacques Chirac. She was then appointed prefect for the first time in 2007 in the department of Mayenne, before practicing in Eure, Loire, then Pas de Calais.
A quarteron of personalities to welcome it
Now 63 years old, Fabienne Buccio was appointed prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region on January 12 and took office on Monday January 30 in the morning. Former Prefect of Gironde and New Aquitaine since March 27, 2019, she succeeds Pascal Mailhosprefect of the Rhône from October 2018 to January 2023, who joined Paris to take charge of intelligence after saying his goodbyes during his vows… snubbed by the ecologist executive (report here).
Several Lyon personalities were present at the Parc de la Tête d’Or to welcome him. Among them, the rector Olivier Dugrip, Gregory Doucet, Bruno Bernard, the green senator Thomas Top but also Anne BrugneraLREM MP for the 4e Rhône district, Isabelle RametLR regional councilor, Gilles DarricauMilitary Governor of Lyon and Gendarmerie General Laurent Tavel who, barely introduced, will soon bid him farewell.
The reframing of little Doucet
All then went in convoy to a second ceremony organized at the sanctuary of resistance and deportation, place Bellecour, the very place where the environmental mayor of Lyon was booed this Sunday by the Jewish community and the people of Lyon who came to meditate on this anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. She then met the senator Francois-Noel Buffet and the deputy LREM Thomas Rudigoz.
Once her wreath was laid, the reframing session did not drag on. Her first strong gesture, when she has just put down her suitcases, will go down in the annals of the Rhône Prefecture. While the controversy over the reception at the Town Hall of the terrorist Wrong Hamoririsked degenerating on Wednesday, the prefect spoke, sure of herself, in front of the cameras.
She told journalists that she had ordered Grégory Doucet to cancel the round table on Palestine and the 30th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, which was to be held in the salons of the Hôtel de Ville, under penalty of drawing a decree of ban for disturbing public order. Confused and discredited, little Grégory was forced to comply (read here). In his office, we heard the chairs fly…
This first spanking will set the tone for their future relationship. Known for having managed, with a firm hand, the migrant crisis in Calais, Fabienne Buccio does not intend to be manipulated by Doucet et Bernardespecially since she was briefed by her predecessor Pascal Mailhos who has been, over the past three years, the permanent target of environmental attacks (on security, mobility, housing, the homeless, etc.).
Despite his good will, our former prefect leaves behind a fractured metropolis.
His successor has his work cut out for him, while in all neighborhoods, environmental diktats are contested by the population and traders. It will also have to show firmness in order to prevent the major traffic axes (right bank of the Rhône, Jean-Jacques Rousseau quay and the Croix-Rousse tunnel, in particular) from being transformed into municipal paths or cycle paths.
Welcome to Lyon, and good luck, Madame la Préfète!