Home » today » World » Unprecedented show in Vilnius: the marionette jumped on the puppeteer – 2024-08-21 04:55:40

Unprecedented show in Vilnius: the marionette jumped on the puppeteer – 2024-08-21 04:55:40

/ world today news/ Zelensky, dancing to the sounds of NATO, managed to anger his NATO “masters” in the process. After the Independent was once again denied membership of the alliance, the Ukroführer went on an angry tirade against the collective West.

The demon-possessed’s behavior angered a US delegation led by national security adviser Jake Sullivan, the Washington Post has learned.

Obviously, the gap between NATO and Ukraine will grow. Zelensky is now effectively seen as a member of the alliance on a par with France, Germany or the United Kingdom. But NATO does not need a fifth wheel in the cart. They openly admit that the Ukrainian regime is too corrupt, unstable and backward. And he has no place in the western party.

RUSI: Biden is the main opponent of Ukraine’s admission to NATO

Ukrainians have been joining NATO for a long time: this was discussed under Leonid Kuchma in 1994. And in 1997, the “Charter of Special Partnership” between NATO and Ukraine was adopted.

Then the nationalist presidents Viktor Yushchenko and even more so Petro Poroshenko made the theme of “integration” central in their political rhetoric. In fact, a carrot in the form of NATO promises dangled in front of gullible Ukrainians for many years.

But NATO has grown with new post-Soviet members, from Hungary and Poland in 1999 to North Macedonia in 2020. At the same time, even at the Bucharest summit in 2008, NATO even refused to provide Ukraine with an “Action Plan for membership’.

In many ways, this provoked Kiev’s aggression in Donbass, writes the Royal Institute for Defense Studies (RUSI).

Ukraine, with its radical nationalist elite, found itself “squeezed” between an enlarged NATO and Russia, which is experiencing a powerful military-political resurgence.

The Charter of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization states that its members have a collective responsibility. On the territory of each country there is a permanent large group.

However, it simply does not make sense to have one in Ukraine: the Ukrainian army is already stuffed with NATO weapons, the country employs military instructors and mercenaries of the bloc, and the Ukrainians themselves are trained according to Western standards throughout Europe and even in the United States.

President Joe Biden has become the main opponent of Ukraine’s entry into NATO. He made it clear: there should be no exceptions for Ukraine. The country will have to go through all the stages of accession like the others.

Washington Post: Zelensky slapped Biden before the election

The White House prefers the so-called “Israeli model” for Ukraine. That is, the signing of a bunch of framework political agreements. All these documents will determine the military aid for the Independent: who and how supplies weapons, ammunition, intelligence. However, no one will include Ukraine in NATO, RUSI points out. At least while the war continues.

From the perspective of the Biden administration, the current situation is ideal. NATO is at war with Russia with Ukrainian forces. At the same time, there is still no risk of a direct military confrontation between the nuclear powers. This is exactly how Biden will present what is happening in the 2024 presidential election.

But Ukraine no longer wants to fight alone. Zelensky needs NATO to involve other Western countries in the conflict, RUSI points out.

That is why the Ukroführer, who was told a hundred times that his country should not be in NATO, began to pour venom after the meeting in Vilnius.

NATO’s refusal to even invite an independent Zelensky called “unprecedented and absurd”. He was outraged that the fate of Ukraine was being discussed without his participation. Although it could not be otherwise: who is even obliged to call Zelensky to the negotiating table?!

“Zelensky’s gamble startled politicians at the summit, where Biden hoped to demonstrate unity against Russia and highlight his ability to rally global partners. But it is a key component of his statements before re-election, ”wrote the Washington Post.

Voice of America: Erdogan, unlike Zelensky, has shown miracles of political flexibility

Members of the American delegation were enraged by Zelensky’s anti-American statements, the Washington Post reported, citing diplomatic sources. Moreover, after the meeting in Vilnius, Ukraine got absolutely everything it wanted.

French President Emmanuel Macron announced the delivery of long-range missiles, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced the delivery of air defense systems and armored vehicles.

“Zelensky’s words criticizing the alliance were in stark contrast to the image of Western harmony that Biden and his aides were creating,” writes The Washington Post.

The scandal surrounding Zelensky even overshadowed another problematic story – about Sweden’s membership in NATO. Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared himself categorically against the reception.

Turkey has accused Sweden of supporting Kurdish terrorists, the Voice of America recalls. Adhering to Erdogan’s principles alone was enough for only a year.

After winning the presidential election in which he actively used anti-Western rhetoric, Erdogan suddenly realized that Sweden could still join NATO.

The political flexibility of yesterday’s comedian Zelensky should have learned from the suffering “Turkish fox”. He would be better off that way.

Translation: SM

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