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Unplug this thing now: How your child inflates your bill without your knowledge

For some time now, unfortunately, we have been dealing with expensive energy which has spread like wildfire, affecting not only our country but the entire European territory.

It all started about 12 months ago, when the war broke out in Ukraine, which brought with it numerous scars and consequences that were reflected throughout the European scene. Just think, for example, of the rise in certain basic food products, such as peanut oil for example, which then translated into general inflation at the level of the food sector.

In addition to this, we also recall the reckless increase in the cost of energy, both in its electric form and in natural gas. This has inevitably led the main energy supply companies (as in the case of Enel Energia, as regards the Italian territory) to consequently increase their monthly energy bills for a few months now, generating not a little discontent .

The Italian government, as well as the governments of the main European nations, immediately took steps to tackle the high energy price, and to help the neediest populations in particular.

Going into the details, the government would have issued various measures, such as the Aiuti-Bis decree and the Aiuti-Ter decree (with the Aiuti-Quater coming soon), which brought, among other things, the energy bonus of 150 euros deductible directly from the cost of the bills, as well as all the tax breaks and deductions for anyone wishing to purchase new generation household appliances, which consume less and therefore allow considerable savings at the end of the year.

However, unfortunately, all this was not enough for many Italian families, who still struggle to make ends meet, especially when they are made up of 5 or more members and receive, among other things, only one income.

This is how today we decided to provide you with some useful tips and tricks, in order to consume as little electricity as possible, and thus be able to save on the next monthly bills that will arrive at home.

Useful tips

Nowadays we really use a lot of devices within the home environment, and those that have the most impact on bills are video game consoles, including the latest releases PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X.

The consumptions that particularly affect their use consist in the use of stand-by mode, or when we don’t use them and they remain on to download updates or download titles in digital delivery. According to the latest estimates, in fact, the average consumption for a console is between 30 and 40 euros over the course of a year.

PlayStation 5 in stand-by – Passionetecnologica

Our advice in this case is therefore to unplug the power supply when we are not using it, in order to avoid using the stand-by mode, and consequently save on future energy bills.

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