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“Unpaid leave for those who do not get vaccinated.” Conad’s CEO opens the Corriere.it front

In favor ofGreen pass obligation for workers, with a regulation by the government, but without this entailing costs for companies. Translated: we will not bear the cost of the tampons. This is the position of the distribution companies after taking a position by Conad CEO Francesco Pugliese that is it sided in favor of green certification sparking pro and con reactions on social media.

Vaccinated workers or not?

Pending a decision by the government, with the League’s position still to be deciphered, what is the orientation of the trade associations and distribution companies? «To secure the workers – he declared Donatella Prampolini, president of FIDA-Confcommercio – it also means providing for the obligation of a vaccine or green pass. We believe it is essential to provide for this obligation for all staff who work in supermarkets and nearby food shops ». Prampolini specifies, however, that companies are waiting for a government regulation, because – he explains – “the current legislation does not even allow us to ask who is vaccinated, but we know that already within the workers, tensions are starting to arise between those who are vaccinated and who are not. “.

FederDistribuzione and Coop: “Yes to the obligation of a Green pass”

On the same wavelength too FederDistribuzione, which brings together such chains Esselunga, Pam, Lidl and Carrefour. «We are in favor of extending the obligation of the Green Pass to employees of large-scale distribution companies – declares the president Alberto Frausin – which is a fundamental tool for guaranteeing the safety of collaborators. We ask that the obligatory nature of the Green Pass be accompanied by clear rules for companies and workers and that companies are not burdened by burdens and costs “. Even the Coop group says yes to the Green pass. “We are in favor of the introduction of rules for the use of the Green pass for those who work with the public and therefore also for our employees – reports the note – and all solutions for increase the proportion of vaccinated people, leaving tampons a marginal integrative role. With reference to the more demanding issue of compulsory vaccination, as Coop we are in favor of public and private workers, but we believe that it is a matter on which legislation must be made, not to be taken on with private initiatives ».

Prampolini: “No costs for companies”

But what can a company do if, in the presence of a legal obligation, the No-vax worker still refuses to be vaccinated? “We do not bear any additional costs – specifies Prampolini, who is also president of Distribuzione Italiana, a cooperative center that represents the brands Sigma and Sisa, with 3,500 outlets in Italy – which means we will put employees in unpaid leave“. A meeting is scheduled for next week at the Ministry of Labor on the issue of social safety nets and the issue of vaccines in the company could be addressed.

Trade unions: “Buffers to be paid by companies”

On the very hot topic of access to the company (and canteens) in a pandemic, trade unions and Confindustria are facing each other. The social partners are pressing for the swabs to be paid by the employers. «The tampon – said the general secretary of UIL, Pierpaolo Bombardieri, on 24 Mattino on Radio 24 – is one of the opportunities concerning a single choice in a field, that of health, which is possible. If this issue has a principle: if it concerns health and safety in the workplace, i workers do not have to incur costs. In this period there have been emergency choices that have allowed companies to deduct the costs made on safety, we think this is the right way “. The question is central, because the No-vax worker could have the Green pass by frequently undergoing tests and without having to vaccinate, but this would be a not insignificant additional cost because the tampons cost about 20 euros and would need at least 3 per week.

The CGIL: “A vaccine obligation for everyone”

The position of the CGIL does not change on the issue: the government and Parliament take responsibility for the introduction by law of the vaccination obligation for everyone, not just for some categories of workers. To renew the position of the union is the board of the confederation. “In coherence with the provisions of our Constitution, the CGIL asks that the government and Parliament assume political responsibility to provide for the vaccination obligation for all citizens, an obligation envisaged by the state only for health personnel and reinforce the measures of tracking, containment and health surveillance », reads the device. The union returns to criticize a possible decision in favor of a Green pass “which at this stage risks becoming an alternative to compulsory vaccination”. The CGIL also announces its commitment to «una national campaign training and information »on vaccines, also with assemblies in all workplaces.

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