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Unlocking the Potential of Electronic Health Records 2.0: The Future of Accessible and Efficient Healthcare

The electronic health record 2.0 has taken a step forward: the Regions have approved the draft decree of the Ministries of Health and Economy. The digital file will contain personal data and one’s medical history, and will make it easier to trace one’s information in the health sector.

Il Electronic health record 2.0 is about to enter its operational phase. The Ministry of Health announced it with a use: the go-ahead from the State-Regions Conference has arrived on the draft decree, which will enter into force when it is published in the Official Gazette. It is an online service that will allow you to collect your medical data – first aid reports, synthetic health profile, recipes, medical records … – in a more easily accessible way than a folder of paper sheets.

It will be managed by the Regions, as always in the case of health issues. The electronic health record it already exists: it is necessary to use it log in with Spid to the portal of your Region. With the reform, the aim is to make it easier to use and more complete. The target set in the Pnrr is that 85% of general practitioners enter data in their patient files by 2025. Furthermore, all Regions will have to adopt and use it by 2026.

What’s in the Electronic Health Record

According to the ministry, within the ESF there will be:

Doctor retires and smashes telephone with blows: “Nightmare on-call and unsatisfactory patients” the citizen’s identification and administrative data the first aid reports and reports the letters of discharge the summary health profile (i.e. the electronic social-health document drawn up and updated by the general practitioner or paediatrician who summarizes the patient’s clinical history and known current situation) specialist and pharmaceutical prescriptions other documents such as, for example, medical records, vaccinations and card data for implant bearers

What is the ESF for?

The goal is to make it easier consultation of your data. This will make it easier not only to receive telemedicine services, but also to make healthcare reservations and have medicines dispensed. In the ESF there will be a personal section called “Personal notebook”, where it will be possible to insert one’s data and documents, modify or delete them.

Also having access to the file will be the medici general practitioners, pediatricians and specialists. Thus, consulting the clinical data of the patients will be a faster operation, without having to wait for a hard copy of the result of an old exam or a report. In addition, pharmacists will be able to verify therapies to dispense the correct drugs and, for example, collect a customer’s drug allergies to avoid errors. Finally, according to the ministry, the ESF will also help the regional health directorates for prevention and health planning activities.

As mentioned, the Regions will manage the ESF, while the local health authorities, public hospitals (and those accredited to the NHS) and regional social and health services, as well as health professionals, will provide the data necessary to compile it. Although the file is regional, the ministry has guaranteed that there will be no problems if one has to go to the health facilities of a Region in which you are not a resident.

2023-08-02 19:53:39
#electronic #health #record #doctors #patients

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