Darmstadt (ots) – Two as yet unknown perpetrators were up to mischief on Thursday (December 24th) in an allotment garden in Rodgaustraße. At around 1 p.m. they climbed over the fence of the facility, pried open the door of a garden shed and devastated the inventory. Then they fled. Witnesses were able to observe the strangers from a distance and notified the police. The duo has been described as around 15 years old. One of the two was perceived to be about 1.60 meters tall and of strong stature. He was wearing a white jacket. His accomplice was about 1.70 meters tall, had a slim stature and was dressed in a dark blue jacket. The police search, which was initiated immediately, was unsuccessful. The damage caused by the perpetrators is estimated at at least 230 euros. According to initial findings, nothing was stolen. The decentralized investigation team of the 3rd police station took over the case. The officers receive relevant information on 06151 / 969-3810.
Original content by: Police Headquarters South Hesse, transmitted by news aktuell
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