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Unknown drama during the marriage of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel

June 19, 2010 was a day full of joy and celebration for our Swedish neighbors. Crown Princess Victoria (45) got his princes Daniel (48)and since then they have had two children together – Estelle (10) and Oscar (6).

The royal wedding was broadcast live on SVT and nearly half a million people took to the streets of Stockholm to take part in the festivities.

Now, however, a secret is revealed about the wedding day of the crown prince’s couple. There must have been a threat looming on the big day.

HUMPE: Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel are hosting the visit the Norwegian Crown Prince couple made to Stockholm. The first day of the visit starts off a bit bumpy. Video: Caroline Vagle / Watch and listen
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Threat in the airspace

Author Niclas Andersson and Police Chief Michael Fetz are now relevant with the new book “Efforts Are Underway”, and it is in it that new information comes to light, write Swedish women’s magazine .

Fetz writes about his life in service in the book and, among other things, about the incident that occurred when he was in charge of security during the wedding of the Crown Princess couple.

During the wedding procession, a smaller plane is said to have appeared over Lidingö heading towards the procession.

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Impossible to contact

In the book, Feltz describes that his heart rate increased when he noticed the plane, which was in airspace that had been cordoned off for the occasion.

– At worst, it’s a terrorist attack. The pilot does not answer the calls. The plane is flying closer and closer and we may be forced to shoot it down, explains Fetz that he thought.

They tried to contact the pilot without success, and it was not possible to identify the plane as a so-called transponder was missing. A transponder is a device that is used during flight, so that the air traffic controller or radar operator must be able to identify the aircraft with the correct call sign.

THE ROYAL HOUSE: On Wednesday, Crown Princess Mary (48) made her first official mission after the summer holidays, which ended in trouble after shaking hands with WWF Secretary General Bo Øksnebjerg.
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The police chief describes that the situation has escalated at a tremendous speed and that he has experienced a choice that “no other Swede has made”.

– Only a few seconds left

“In three and a half minutes the plane will be directly over the center of Stockholm, with the bride and groom below it, as well as the wedding guests and half a million people in the streets. I absolutely cannot allow this to happen. It could end in a national disaster and the eventual collapse of the security work I am most responsible for, “he writes in the book, before continuing:

– I’m only seconds away from making the decision. To pronounce the order: “Shoot down the plane!”. At that moment we make contact with the pilot, who immediately turns around.

GIFT: Reality star Henrik Borg married Lisa Anckarman in Sweden and can now reveal the price. Video: Jenny Emilie Aas / Reality Awards
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It would turn out to be a normal private plane that didn’t realize airspace was blocked. Fortunately, they got in touch, otherwise Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel’s marriage could have ended in total disaster.

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