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Unkhamphaka squeezing APEC, gaining no merit in a new home. The world is not stupid, knowing that we have problems.

A Khamphaka likens epek coriander to decorate the house to make guests look beautiful, but he is not stupid and knows Thai problems well. Do it for General Prayut Ask people to sacrifice themselves to save face

November 15, 2022, the news is over, the people are not over! EP44 Insight To Prik To Khing from the point of view of “An Phuwanat and Khaek Khamphaka” with 3 hot criticisms, 3 hot problems – the city’s overflowing coriander Sprinkle on the face of the APEC meeting, smooth roads, bright crosswalk. – or the Thais won’t watch the World Cup! After FIFA fails to cut royalties by 1,600 million – Don’t think too much about it! Social media is busy with drama, forbidden words, stop talking campaigns, with presenters An-Phuwanat Kunphin and Kham Phaka Lakkhana Panwichai. Recently, we see a new Bangkok. It can be called cilantro all over the city.

An revealed that this was not a mistake. I was just wondering if she hadn’t done it before. she shows that she knows what needs to be done but she doesn’t. I look at home we are at home normally she Didn’t brush, didn’t sweep. usually messy When someone comes home they clean the house, when they come back we leave the placenta as before. It’s this kind of thought system.


It’s okay for normal people to do that. It’s a face saver. But the APEC meeting It doesn’t mean much these days. Because right now there is a big meeting next to each other, which is the APEC meeting. as a guest What do we set our agenda for? in the global economic arena? We will tell leaders of other nations who travel to Thailand that we dream of relationships in civilized countries In the age to come in the post-Covid world Russian invasion of Ukraine or lack of resources How does this affect us?

looking ahead What will Thailand be like? with past lessons How will we seek cooperation other than 5 years ago, ten years ago? This is talking like an ignorant person. broad framework of thinking should be so As for sweeping the house to be beautiful, it is normal. The point is not the cilantro. Good thing it was fixed.

However, we do not see the content of what position Thailand has in this regard. Go with a broad sweep and clean the house. because I never cared, never did

Show that you are not an executive who will make the people in the house happy. but do it for fear of losing face It’s not done for Thais in Bangkok. but do it for fear of embarrassment

“We sweep the house for people to use, we clean or sweep the house out of fear of embarrassment for guests who will come to visit. What is the most important essence?

Concept of government and APEC how to make merit in a new home Let me say that the food at home is delicious, well nourished, even if it normally plays no role on the world stage. This contradicts the reality in Thailand. The world community is not stupid. Find out what problems Thailand has, including floods, dust problems, economic problems Thai middle-class household debt significantly higher AND take time to recover over the next 14 years

This kind of situation can’t fool the world and it’s even more embarrassing because the house is falling apart. But hurry to tell the host Our life is not bad in 1 day, even though we have always been in bad times. He read the APEC news with this feeling.

“The APEC meeting is not a housewarming event. It doesn’t change the truth. that we’re in trouble.”

We want to listen to where the government will take the country. How is life filled with hope? An said this It’s not serious about dusting cilantro, but before dusting, you should do the important stuff first. and more important issues

He understood that it would be difficult to repaint crosswalks across the country, but at least we should be moving regularly. than sprinkling coriander in a hurry It’s even more embarrassing on the national scene. It’s like slapping Thai people who help each other lie. that our home has always been beautiful

We understand that our dining table is not beautiful, but usually it must be clean, good enough, but at least it must be healthy and the day the guests come, it will be more beautiful than before. It is not a lie. do not deviate

This suggests that in the past You know you should do it, but why not? It’s not too messy or hard to do. So what are you guys doing? If you don’t know, it’s worrying. Getting up and doing it is a reflection of knowing but not doing it. Because?

Khamphaka reveals that his life philosophy is fear of losing face to strangers. It’s as if we have parents who don’t care what their children eat, but the guests who come to the house have to play cool. It’s a way of thinking that you don’t do it for your children. But do it for the guests to look good. Filled with the fact that we have always eaten well and lived well. The point is to focus on saving face. have more face

Un revealed that he joked that he wanted leaders to move through the parade along Rama II Road so that the road would be completed. or take the train. It will become more beautiful. People queuing for the meeting must have access cards. Even in the house itself Show that you are doing it for yourself. Not even the face of Thailand In the past 8 years, you must make Thailand proud to show off to the world.

but this wants to show off to the world that the match is good I didn’t see anything that bothered my eyes. Therefore, all ordinary citizens Let’s work together. Don’t be a swarm of spiders, it’s annoying to invite leaders to come, just think of your face as an individual and a person. don’t miss the face of Thailand

Plus the misspelled welcome sign. Said it was a wrong sign. Request people not to share instead of saying it’s a mistake AND thank people who pointed out they will fix it.

“All this was done for General Prayut. APEC has been successful. Everything revolved around Gen. Prayut, who brought this event to a close, organizing the event very well. I am a really good prime minister. This will allow General Prayut to speak. that I’m too good.

An said some of the errors in the work were very important. Forbidden, there is no mistake. like buying a car but forgot to put the nut and said it was not expected but don’t tell anyone Can it be such a reason?People who come to reveal are accused of being unpatriotic.

if true patriotism Make no mistake handle it more gracefully Understand that it is not meant to be misspelled so much as with no intention of spelling correctly This is not intentional. as it should be

Kham Phaka has revealed that it shows imperfection. Because greatness lies in the details, and a great event like this has a value, the difference lies in the details, if you get lost you get lost and look at the beauty of the sign. An said she didn’t want to criticize the taste. Personally, he doesn’t look nice at all. as finished And the choice of font is still not good at all

“Teen language is called hard work. better not do it no need take the budget to do something else attention to detail In terms of meetings, it would be better”.

We should focus our attention on meetings. with love and best wishes Personally, it is encouraging that the leader who has agreed to come. He will still come as before, like Xi Jinping, president of China, because Hun Sen, prime minister of Cambodia, has just contracted COVID. and hugged General Prayut which China has very strict COVID control So will the president of China go into quarantine? If he comes and sees this AND the country still has zero COVID checks. Will you change your mind?

If China doesn’t come back again, then what will happen? Kham Phaka says it’s a meeting dinner. who visit us Come and see well thought out and beautifully designed contemporary Thai dishes.

“Do not think that we hate the nation. Before anyone else, let us see whether it is true or not. If the statement is not true, then we can, but if we speak on the basis of facts, if we cannot distinguish them, then we are wrong. Getting lost right is wrong.”

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