As “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association,” the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) creates and conveys knowledge for society and the environment. The aim is to make significant contributions to global challenges in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. Around 9,800 employees at KIT work together on this goal on a broad disciplinary basis in research, teaching, and innovation.
Division I – Biology, Chemistry and Process Engineering, Institute of Applied Biosciences (IAB), KIT Department of Chemistry and Biosciences offers a permanent position as of April 1, 2026.
University Professorship (W3)
“Food Chemistry and Toxicology”
We are looking for an internationally recognized personality (f/m/d) who is involved in the science-based risk assessment of food ingredients. The university professorship (W3) is linked to the Institute of Applied Biosciences (IAB) and is part of the collegial institute management. Possible focus areas can include conventional foods, novel foods and food supplements as well as residues or environmental and process contaminants.
They identify toxicologically relevant food components and investigate their mechanisms of action. This can also include the influence of potentially protective bioactive food ingredients.
You know how to establish modern analytical methods, including innovative biochemical, toxicological and molecular biological methods, and use them for the above-mentioned goals. We offer collegial cooperation with other food chemistry-oriented professorships and interface disciplines such as food process engineering and chemical and biological disciplines. Other possible partners are research institutions in Karlsruhe that work in the field of food chemistry/nutritional science. An interest in the transfer of research results into innovative technologies and products is desired.
You will perform university tasks with a teaching commitment of 9 SWS. Basic and research-oriented teaching in German and English is expected at the KIT Faculty of Chemistry and Biosciences using modern teaching formats and concepts. In particular, the modules of the BSc and MSc Food Chemistry degree programs, which are based on nutritional and biochemical-toxicological aspects, but also those that deal with food chemistry and food analysis teaching content, are to be offered.
Willingness to work on committees at KIT and in the commissions of the BSc and MSc Food Chemistry degree programs is expected.
Your qualifications
You already have international visibility in the field of food chemistry/food toxicology and enjoy cooperative research. You have experience in acquiring third-party funding and can inspire students in your subject. The employment requirements according to Section 14 Paragraph 2 of the KIT Act in conjunction with Section 47 of the Baden-Württemberg State University Act apply.
We strive to fill the positions as evenly as possible with employees (f/m/d) and would therefore particularly welcome applications from women.
If they are equally qualified, people with recognized severe disabilities will be given priority.
As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leave of absence for family reasons, a dual career service, and accompanying coaching to support the compatibility of work and family.
Please send meaningful applications with the usual documents (CV, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, teaching evaluations, description of previous and planned research and teaching activities, research and teaching concept, description of own contributions in the above-mentioned areas, third-party funding acquired, statement on scientific integrity) by November 3, 2024, quoting the advertisement number 1376/2024, to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Department I, Head of Department Prof. Dr. Andrea Robitzki, preferably in the form of a single PDF file by email to: [email protected].
For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Mirko Bunzel, phone +49 721 608-42936, email: [email protected].
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KIT – The research university in the Helmholtz Association