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University of the Republic (Udelar) Presents Project for New Vaccine Institute: Biotechnological Products Plant

The University of the Republic (Udelar) officially presented the project to build the new Vaccine Institutewhich will be called “Biotechnological Products Plant”. His construction will last between 24 and 36 months and it will cost about US$ 29 million.

The idea for the new institute arose in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and the Accountability of the Parliament of 2021 i give her 7 million pesos to Udelar for put together a project that allows its constructionrecalled the rector Rodrigo Arim at a press conference held on Thursday.

Alvaro Mombrúvice-rector of the university and dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, indicated that the final report of the project was carried out by two teams, one economic and one technicalwho came to an idea with a “very good feasibility” and “profitable”.

The cost of building the building, according to the report, will be US$ 29.415.000. of this money, US$ 11.3 million will correspond to “research equipment”and the second largest expense will be US$ 3.5 million for the “qualification and certification”the necessary costs for the plant to be approved.

The plant will have of the modules: one of investigationcon “rooms and equipment for the development of vaccines and other biotechnological products”, and another of “production of biotechnological active ingredients”which will be the production plant from the center.

The plant will have an estimated annual profit of US$ 16.579.486. of this return, US$ 14,399,000 will come from exports. “Plant It has to be self-sustaining, export-oriented”Mombrú said.

In any case, the report clarifies that “partnership” with other partners “is a fundamental condition for the institute to be viable.” For his part, Arim indicated that Udelar “is going to be important,” but it will not be the only body in charge of the institute.

In addition, the work indicates that the possibility of the institute working in a free zone regime “would significantly leverage the project”.

From the university they hope that the new plant produce 3.5 million vaccines a yearabout 18 thousand per week, of the technologies “messenger RNA” (such as vaccines Pfizer against the coronavirus) and of “recombinant proteins”. They analyze developing vaccines human and veterinary

2023-08-10 16:20:00
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