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University of Pennsylvania President Resigns Over Anti-Semitic Controversy

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2023-12-12 HKT 09:16

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“Looking Around the World” by Liang Zhide

The U.S. House of Representatives recently held a hearing and invited the presidents of Harvard, MIT and Pennsylvania universities to testify and answer questions regarding the accusation of “condoning anti-Semitism on college campuses.”

After the hearing, the turmoil continued. Many university donors, alumni and politicians were dissatisfied with the president’s response. Several members of Congress jointly requested the boards of directors of the three universities to remove the three presidents. As a result, the president of the University of Pennsylvania was Under pressure, he announced his resignation, becoming the first president of a higher education institution in the United States to resign due to “anti-Semitic controversy.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has caused great divisions in the United States. Some Palestinian students said that “Islamophobia” does not receive equal attention compared to “anti-Semitism.”

#World #university #president #resigned #due #antiSemitic #controversy #RTHK
2023-12-12 01:16:00

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