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University of California, Irvine Hacked: Discord Servers Flooded with Gruesome Images

An unusual story happened last week at the University of California, Irvine. A group of hackers hacked student Discord servers and flooded them with “disgusting images” of necrophilia, animal and child abuse and other “horrible things.” The attackers demanded a thousand dollars to remove all this.

It is reported that about three thousand students saw the images. Apparently, the footage was truly shocking, because it caused “tears and vomiting” in many viewers, and some viewers required medical attention.

There were some things there that I can never forget now. Very cruel things.

Alina Kim, student

The university has still not been able to cope with the hacking, and the problem was solved by simply blocking the Discord servers. According to students, the University of Washington and the University of Southern California were also subject to a similar hacker attack. Whether this is true or not is unclear.

Discord did not comment on the situation. A group of affected students has already filed a statement with the police and intends to contact the FBI.

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