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University of Art and Design Linz: no blue sounds


1 March to 30 September 2021

University of Art and Design Linz, Hauptplatz 6, 2nd floor, Rectorate corridor

An exhibition of artistic practice Compiled and organized by
Hubert Lobnig and Moritz Matschke, Severin Standhartinger, Nino Wallisch, Jana Simbürger

The exhibition shows a wide range of works by students studying art education. The individual’s own artistic practice during the course of study forms an essential foundation for the development of a personality and attitude that can be effective in itself and, above all, in teaching contexts. Each work of art offers partly amusing, partly thoughtful insights into personal creative processes. But the works also represent an artistic form of coping with everyday life and the playful handling of aesthetic questions that all students and employees of the Art University Linz have in common.

Participating students
Catalina Peric, Michaela Tröbinger-Lenzenweger, Melanie Hatzmann, Jennifer Eder, Leonhard Neuhauser, Katharina Killinger, Severin Pfraud, Severin Standhartinger, Ruth Größwang, Nino Walisch, Sarah Schmid, Florian Hareter, Verena Mayerhofer, Jana SimbürgerMartha Hofmann, Katrin Lampoltshammer, Analena Matejschek, Viktor Nebenführ, Lea Prähofer, Julia Stutz, Lena Klausriegler, Marlene Wartbichler

Photo gallery of the exhibited works

Exhibition views Hauptplatz 6

A visit to the exhibition is possible individually in the current Corona traffic light status ORANGE.

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