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University of Applied Sciences to Employ Five Education Specialists for Inclusive Education Project

The five prospective education specialists will be employed for two years following their qualification at the university. Photo: Winnie Schwarz

In the project since 2021 “Inclusive Education MV” At the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, people with disabilities are qualified to become educational specialists. The aim is for them to convey the special requirements of people with disabilities to university members and employees in business and administration. A decision has now been made regarding the continuation and financing of the project.

The qualification of the five educational specialists is scheduled to be completed at the end of July 2024. An agreement has been reached between the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the university. Following the qualification, the employment of the trained participants at the university should be secured in 2024 and 2025. The continuation of the project after 2025 is still being discussed. The Ministry of Science, in cooperation with the universities, bears 30 percent of the costs for the educational specialists and a supervisor. The Ministry of Social Affairs covers a further 30 percent, the remaining 40 percent is financed from the state budget.

“Exemplary project” improves professional opportunities for severely disabled people

“The Inclusive Education MV project is a great example of inclusion in practice. I am very happy (…) that together we managed to secure the continued employment of the five educational specialists. “I am sure that the students and employees in the country’s universities, authorities and companies can benefit a lot from the experiences of the education specialists,” said Science Minister Bettina Martin. “Both sides benefit from the exemplary project at Neubrandenburg University. People with disabilities receive qualifications and students and teachers can gain valuable experience for their future work through direct exchange.”

“Our five trained education specialists for inclusion are experts in their own field. “They are therefore particularly good at conveying the lives, specific needs and skills of people with disabilities to students as well as teachers, specialists and managers,” emphasized Social Minister Stefanie Drese. “The project (…) helps to create understanding and trust for the needs of severely disabled people. In this way, we improve the professional opportunities of severely disabled people on the general labor market.”

“I am (…) grateful that the intensive discussions held in recent months with the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Social Affairs, representatives of the government factions and other members of the state parliament as well as the conference of rectors of the state’s colleges and universities have led to the inclusion Education MV can be continued,” he said Rector of Neubrandenburg University Gerd Teschke.

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2024-01-07 10:44:44
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