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University loses demand; trans student denounced discrimination

In 2018, the teacher Nick Meriwether who has worked for over 25 years at Shawnee State University in Ohio, sued to school because the administrators were “forcing” him to use feminine pronouns for one alumna trans and that, according to him, went against his religious beliefs. After three years of trial, the teacher He won the case and the university will have to pay him $400,000 in compensation for damages (close to eight million pesos).

Why sued?

In 2016, a university director issued a decree for all professors to use personal pronouns that are consistent with the gender identity of each student and alumnathus, Jane Doe he asked the teacher Nick Meriwether to use feminine pronouns to refer to her.

After several attempts and due to the religious beliefs of the teacher, he did not agree and told him that he could call her by her last name, since he refers to his students as “Mr.” (sir) or “Ms.” (Miss) and what he offered her was to call her (“Doe”), but without using the pronouns that she requested. When the directors of the university found out about this, they issued the decree so that the alumna trans was not discriminated against and teacher abide by the use of the pronouns requested by her.

I was willing to use his proper name (surname) and initially the university officials agreed, but suddenly changed their minds and demanded that I refer to the student as a woman. I just couldn’t do that. –Nick Meriwether in an interview for Fox News.

Because the teacher considered that his freedom of expression was being curtailed, he decided to take the case to a federal instance and after a long process of three years, the teacher has won the case.

Philosophy professor Nick Meriwether has won a three-year legal battle to vindicate his First Amendment rights. We have reached an agreement in his favour. The university has recognized that the professor has the right to use the pronouns that he decides to refer to the students. No student will be able to ask you to change that. –Communication from the legal representatives of Nick Meriwether.

Even though that him teacher publicly discriminated against Jane Doethe university must pay him $400,000 to repair the damage.

information by Collective Culture News


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