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University headquarters built in the municipality of Curumaní, Cesar, registers 25% progress

The modern university headquarters that covers the 5.355 square meters, records progress of 25%which is being built in the municipality of Curumaní, Cesar, and will allow higher education for students from this part of the department, preventing them from having to move to other cities in the region.

The building is a project led by the Government of Cesar, with which the government entity is committed to quality education that will primarily benefit the students of Curumaní, as well as surrounding municipalities such as: Pailitas, Pelaya, Tamalameque, Chimichagua , Chiriguaná, El Paso and La Jagua de Ibirico.

“It is very helpful to receive university education without having to leave your municipality, which will save time and money for families who, for the most part, had to send their children to other cities to study a university degree,” said Beatriz Helena Solano, member of the Barrio Paraíso Community Action Board, in Curumaní.

Read also: This will be the university that will be built in a municipality of Cesar

The construction of the university headquarters is made up of three floors: the first will be the library, meeting room, administrative area, sanitary batteries, two classrooms with a capacity of 42 students each, stair area, elevator and cafeteria. In addition, it will have its own electrical substation and water tank; On the second and third floors, five classrooms with 42 students per floor, stairs and elevator area, sanitary batteries and corridor or hallway were located.

The project in progress has contributed to the generation of jobs through the hiring of labor from the rural area, which has allowed the direct and indirect connection of approximately 200 people, thus boosting the economy and social development.


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