Home » Business » University Enrollment in North Rhine-Westphalia: Growth in Technical College Students and Most Popular Fields of Study

University Enrollment in North Rhine-Westphalia: Growth in Technical College Students and Most Popular Fields of Study

Düsseldorf (dpa/lnw) – Almost twice as many students were enrolled at the universities in North Rhine-Westphalia last winter semester as at the technical colleges. However, the proportion of technical college students has grown slightly in a ten-year comparison from around 28 percent in the winter semester of 2012/13 to a good 32 percent in the winter semester of 2022/23. This emerges from figures published by the State Statistical Office in Düsseldorf on Friday. While the proportion of women at universities is a good 51 percent, it is significantly lower at around 45 percent at technical colleges.

In total, around 743,000 people were enrolled at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia in the last winter semester, of which 64 percent were at universities and 32.2 percent at technical colleges. Further shares went to administrative colleges and colleges of art and theology.

At universities in the winter semester of 2022/23, students most often took law (7.3 percent), computer science (6.2 percent), economics (5.4 percent), medicine (4.9 percent) and psychology (4.5 percent). Percent). At universities of applied sciences, business administration was at the top (13.3 percent), followed by social work (9.5 percent), computer science (4.8 percent), mechanical engineering (4.8 percent) and industrial engineering (4.2 percent). ).

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2023-10-06 11:39:17
#students #continue #universities #technical #colleges

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