Home » Technology » University board unanimously fires CEO after appearance in porn videos: CEO considers legal action

University board unanimously fires CEO after appearance in porn videos: CEO considers legal action

The university’s board unanimously decided yesterday to fire Gow after it became known that he appeared in several porn videos on the Internet. Board members call Gow’s behavior “abhorrent” and believe his conduct has caused significant reputational damage to the university.

Not aware of any harm

Gow himself is not aware of any harm. According to the former CEO, he never referred to his position or to the university in the videos, and the dismissal is a violation of his freedom of expression.

“My wife and I live in a country where we have a First Amendment,” he said, referring to Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution that protects freedom of speech. “We are talking about sex between adults, with mutual consent. The reaction of the board is exaggerated.”

According to Gow, the board never told him exactly what rules he broke. He told the AP news agency that he was considering filing a lawsuit against the university.

2023-12-28 20:39:14
#American #university #fired #making #porn #videos

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