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Universities – Leipzig – Alliance for Higher Education Freedom Law: Campaign and Petition – Education

April 7, 2021, 2:34 p.m.

Universities – Leipzig:Alliance for Higher Education Freedom Law: Campaign and Petition

Directly from the dpa news channel

Leipzig (dpa / sn) – In Saxony, an alliance for a modern university law has been formed. On Wednesday the Conference of Saxon Student Unions (KSS) started a public campaign in association with partners. “As KSS, we have been calling for the amendment for years. Our list of required changes is correspondingly long,” explained KSS spokeswoman Sabine Giese. Above all, it is about “more democratic and more equitable universities in the interests of all their members”.

“As by far the largest status group, we students need more co-determination in the decisions that ultimately affect us above all. In addition, studies must become more self-determined and flexible,” emphasized Giese. The last major change to the Saxon University Freedom Act was more than seven years ago: “The law has simply fallen out of time. That is why it urgently needs to be improved in the areas of equality, inclusion and social responsibility.”

The amendment to the Higher Education Freedom Act is anchored in the coalition agreement between the CDU, the Greens and the SPD. The campaign, in which, according to the KSS, among other things, young organizations from the Greens, the SPD and the left as well as trade union representatives participate, should run primarily on social networks. An online petition began to accompany the campaign. It calls on the state politicians to implement 15 core demands of the KSS in the new law. By Wednesday noon, 3,100 people had agreed to the petition.

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