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Universities as the Catalyst for Palestinian Solidarity Movements in the US and Spain

While rallies in support of Palestine are organized around the world, in some countries the movement is structured from universities. In the United States and Spain in particular, they were the starting point for days of national mobilizations and student strikes.

Photo credits: X @Contrac_Cat

Since the start of the Israeli counter-offensive and the massive bombings on Gaza, a vast solidarity movement has been deployed in many countries, particularly in Western countries allied with Israel, with major demonstrations in New York, London, Amsterdam and Paris. At the same time, the mobilization is spreading and being structured from universities, in the United States and in Spain in particular.

In the United States, mobilization takes place in universities despite repression

Even within the imperialist superpower, youth make a completely different voice heard than their government, a faithful ally of the State of Israel. This Wednesday for a national action march for Palestine, students from five New York universities, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, Hunter College and NYU and Columbia University organized class walkouts and demonstrated to protest against the siege of gaza.

The New York students are the leading edge of a nationwide movement against the American government’s complicity in the crimes of the State of Israel. The current mobilization in support of Palestine is already the strongest anti-imperialist demonstration carried out in the United States since the demonstrations against the war in Iraq, despite significant repression.

In Florida, for example, the demonstration called by the organization “National Students for Justice in Palestine”, which also organized this day of action in New York, was banned. State governor and US presidential candidate Ron de Santis said he wanted « sortir l’organisation “National Students for Justice in Palestine” des campus » and has already ordered the group’s ouster from Florida’s two largest universities.

Also at Harvard University, 31 student organizations from different departments signed a letter denouncing the “apartheid regime” of Israel as “entirely responsible” for the Hamas attacks of October 7. Since then, several students have been victims of “doxing”, harassment aimed at publicly revealing the names of the students and staff concerned and going so far as to threaten them with “doxxing trucks” which appeared on campus this Thursday in front of the residences of pro-Palestinian students.

In the Spanish State, Palestine committees in universities and a national strike on October 26

For a week in the Spanish state, Palestine committees have been forming in universities in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Zaragoza and are starting to spread throughout the country. They bring together a few hundred students to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and think of ways of action, like the demonstration which took place within theW” class=”spip_out” rel=”external”>Complutense University of Madrid last week. Following on from this first success, students organized a day of student strike across the country on October 26.

Thousands of young people gathered on this occasion, denouncing in particular the complicity of the European Union in the massacre committed by Israel, and the hypocrisy of the Spanish government, which supplies weapons to the Zionist state. This denunciation was at the heart of a video of a high school student speaking during the demonstration, which went viral.

A success enabled by the organization from the study centers, which could well be the starting point towards a broader movement. In this regard, participants in the demonstration appealed to secondary school teachers, to go on strike and support the mobilization of high school and student youth.

Examples which could inspire youth and students in France and which the student movement must seize, while the State seeks to prevent the holding of each demonstration in support of the Palestinian people.

2023-10-27 21:37:48
#York #Harvard #Madrid #solidarity #Palestine #organized #universities

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