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Universal National Service: Chartres high school students testify to their commitment

In Eure-et-Loir, 296 young people, aged 15 to 17, joined the Universal National Service (SNU) in 2022.

To take stock of the system, launched two years ago in the department, a meeting was organized on Tuesday 8 November at the Lycée Marceau, in Chartres, with about fifty young volunteers trained in various institutes in the conurbation of Chartres.

300 UNS volunteers visited the bush

“It’s an incredible human experience”

Évelyne Mège, academic director of Eure-et-Loir, Yann Gérard, sub-prefect of Chartres, Thierry Jourdan, head of the SNU project in the department and Anne Rothenbuhler, director of the departmental service of the National Office for Veterans, exchanged with these students high schools who were able to testify their experience.

SNU, which is not mandatory, takes place in three phases, as Thierry Jourdan explains:

Volunteers take part in a two-week cohesion stay before committing to an 84-hour mission with an association, community, or service in uniform.

The third phase, lasting from three months to a year, is aimed at young people aged 16 to 25 who wish to continue their commitment to the general interest, around themes such as solidarity, citizenship, education, international action or defense.

“It is an incredible human experience. It’s worth doing, ”enthuses Enzo, a student of the Lycée Marceau. “During the cohesion stay, people come from all walks of life. Everyone is subject to the same rules. We have to take responsibility. “

144 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 begin universal national service at La Saussaye agricultural high school

Kays Zaroili, who trained at the Lycée Fulbert, in Chartres, became SNU ambassador for the Center-Val de Loire region in 2022. He explains: “When I arrived at the cohesion stay I didn’t know anyone and, despite everything, I made many friends in a hurry. We are all in solidarity, ”he explains, before proposing areas for improvement. «In the future it would be good to diversify the missions of general interest, because the choice is rather limited. “

Elena Bonnet

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