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Universal Health Coverage Benefits for Thai People: Access to Treatment, Blood Tests, and Medication for HIV

November 7, 2023


Director of the Swing Foundation reveals that universal health coverage benefits cover Thai people with access to treatment, blood tests 2 times a year, and medication before and after exposure to the disease. There is no cost, while the Department of Health recommends “learn to refuse” and opens channels for counseling.

Today (7 Nov. 2023) from the case of a female student coming out and posting her story on social media that Being infected with HIV from birth and taking medication continuously But drinking alcohol makes the bacteria resistant. He has also had one-night stand relationships with multiple people in the past 7 months. Without that protection

Surang Chanyam

Surang Chanyam Director of the Service Employees Friends Foundation (SWING) revealed that from the above issue If the person infected with HIV takes antiretroviral drugs continuously. will not be able to spread HIV to other people Even if there is a habit of drinking alcohol. This matter has been factually confirmed by empirical evidence in research that has been studied. This case is called U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable) or not being found equals not being spread. which means People infected with HIV who take antiretroviral drugs continuously and on time It can reduce the amount of virus to a level where the virus cannot be detected in the blood. and prevents the spread of infection.

Currently, if you are going to get tested and receive preventative medicine, which is a health promotion and disease prevention service that covers every Thai person and every right to treatment, that Able to receive services thoroughly Through the National Health Insurance System (30 baht gold card) that provides benefits to promote health and prevent disease, care for people with HIV and AIDS (AIDS), including access to public blood testing. and at-risk groups who need to be tested twice a year, while in terms of treatment, including receiving antiretroviral drugs at no cost, this is a benefit that is already covered by all government treatment rights. It depends on what treatment rights the person has. Whether it’s a gold patent or a 30 baht card (National Health Security rights), social security rights. Including medical benefits for civil servants and their families, etc.

“In the case of a younger person who is infected If you don’t take medicine continuously, it may give the HIV virus a chance to spread if you have unprotected sex. But in this case, from what we know, it is that you have been infected since you were in the womb. And her mother has always taken antiretroviral drugs, which means that this little girl has been taking antiretroviral drugs since she was in the womb. And after giving birth, she still takes medicine continuously. This is therefore a U=U case where the infection cannot be spread.”

Surang said.

Surang Said further: In addition to government hospitals As for the public sector, there are also medical technology clinics that serve as service units in conjunction with the 30 baht gold card system as well. As SWING Foundation has branch clinics that provide services including blood tests. Providing PrEP, which is used to prevent HIV before exposure to the disease, along with distributing condoms for shared use. The reason for having to prescribe PrEP before exposure to the disease is because some people may have an allergic reaction to condoms. Therefore, you must take medicine to prevent infection instead.

But if you have been infected with HIV or worried that there is a risk after having unprotected sex or being exposed to disease You can coordinate with the clinic to request a blood test. The clinic will coordinate with network hospitals. To allow patients to receive PEP, which is an emergency medicine to prevent HIV infection. that must be taken as soon as possible within 72 hours after exposure to HIV infection

“Current HIV antiretroviral medicines currently being used to treat infected people It has been renovated to be more efficient. Causes no side effects from using medicine. Or it happened very rarely while antiretroviral drugs were still being developed so that only 1 pill per day could be taken, making life more convenient for infected people.”

said the director of the SWING Foundation.

Surang Said that Thailand’s HIV service system is considered acceptable in the eyes of the international community. Because it is a system that allows infected people to have thorough access to antiretroviral drugs. Including following up on the symptoms of infected people after receiving the medicine. And most importantly, there is no cost.

There are also government agencies: National Health Security Office (NHSO), Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health and government hospitals that supports and works together with the public sector To drive access to HIV antiretroviral drugs for the Thai people. and groups at risk continuously Campaign to prevent infection This makes the current situation universal access to antiretroviral drugs for at-risk groups. and effective Including reducing the number of newly infected people.

You can ask for more information in the case of Prep/PEP medicine at the NHSO hotline 1330, press 16, available 24 hours a day, and the AIDS consultation hotline 1663, press 1, open every day. Time 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Dr. Atchara Nithipinyasakul

side Dr. Atchara Nithipinyasakul Acting Director-General of the Department of Health revealed that due to the situation of HIV infection and sexually transmitted diseases increasing among youth. According to the Department of Disease Control, in 2022 it is estimated that there will be 9,230 new people infected with HIV, of whom almost half will be in the 15-24 year age group, causing concern for the public and society. and may have an effect in the future

The Department of Health has taken steps to create knowledge about sex for youth “Love is safe” with 4 approaches as follows.

Safe Virgin: Have sex when you’re ready. Safe Sex if you’re going to have sex. You must be safe. Wear condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Safe Abortion if you miss a pregnancy or are not ready. Consult the service unit to receive advice on Safe Mom, quality prenatal care. For the child to be born and the mother to be safe.Dr. Ekachai Phian Sriwatchara

side Dr. Ekachai Phian Sriwatchara Deputy Director General of the Department of Health Added that Thai teenagers should know how to love. love safe Know how to take care to protect yourself and avoid risky sexual behavior. With honor and respect for all genders, most importantly, avoid being close to each other one-on-one in secret places. and always be conscious To avoid sexual arousal, which will lead to unintended sex. Or if you will have sex, you must know how to prevent pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted diseases. To reduce the risk You shouldn’t change your partner frequently. Use a condom every time you have sex. And protection is best achieved if condoms are used along with highly effective birth control methods, such as the birth control pill or IUD.

The Department of Health recommends refusal using the sentence “No…if I get pregnant, how will you solve this problem?” Because having sex is something that can be refused. If an unexpected event occurs, such as an unplanned pregnancy or infection with a sexually transmitted disease. There will be long-term negative effects on both sides in the future. For parents, guardians should be a refuge for their children. Give your child the opportunity to know that he can talk with his parents about anything. Don’t worry if you can’t answer every question your child has. Pay attention to how you interact. Let your child know that he can talk to his parents about anything. And there is a suitable solution.

“The Department of Health promotes knowledge about the health of teenagers and reproductive ages through the Line OA teen club, such as sexuality education and life skills. Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and prevention of teenage pregnancy, teenage birth control Can receive counseling Learn to build knowledge in sex education and life skills by adding Line at @Teenclub.”

Deputy Director General of the Department of Health said

2023-11-07 10:16:07

#SWING #points #medicine #continuously #spread #HIV #Active

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