Home » Business » uniVersa Awarded Top Rating for Quality Disability Insurance

uniVersa Awarded Top Rating for Quality Disability Insurance

uniVersa Insurance

Disability insurance: pay attention to quality when taking out insurance

If you want to secure your workforce with disability insurance (BU), you should pay attention to the quality when you take it out. A new rating from the analysis company Morgen & Morgen examined the products on the market and gave the uniVersa two awards.

The independent analysis company Morgen & Morgen published a new BU rating in May. 617 tariffs and tariff combinations were put to the test. In addition to the quality of the conditions, the competence, contribution stability and application questions of the providers were also examined. The uniVersa was awarded the top rating of “five stars” in the overall rating with its two tariffs ExklusivSBU and PremiumSBU. The two product offerings were particularly convincing in terms of the quality of the insurance conditions and application questions, each of which received the top rating of “excellent”. Compared to the exclusive tariff, the premium protection also offers benefits in the event of incapacity to work and reintegration assistance. In addition, there is a subsequent insurance guarantee without cause. In addition, the insurance cover can be further expanded after five, ten and fifteen years without a new health examination.

Stefan Taschner, Pressesprecher
Telefon +49 911 5307-1698, Fax +49 911 5307-1676
E-Mail:  [email protected]
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uniVersa Krankenversicherung a.G., Lebensversicherung a.G., Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Hauptverwaltung: Sulzbacher Str. 1-7, 90489 Nürnberg

Die uniVersa Versicherungsunternehmen sind eine Unternehmensgruppe mit langer Tradition und großer Erfahrung, deren Ursprünge auf das Jahr 1843 – dem Gründungsjahr der uniVersa Krankenversicherung a.G. als älteste private Krankenversicherung Deutschlands und 1857, dem Gründungsjahr der uniVersa Lebensversicherung a.G. – zurückgehen. Als moderner Finanzdienstleister ist die uniVersa heute auf die Rundum-Lösung von Versorgungsproblemen vornehmlich der privaten Haushalte sowie kleinerer und mittlerer Betriebe spezialisiert. Rund 7.000 Mitarbeiter und Vertriebspartner stehen bundesweit als kompetente Ansprechpartner den Kunden zur Verfügung.

2023-06-05 07:51:16
#Disability #insurance #pay #attention #quality #insurance

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