Home » today » World » United States Willing to Help Afghans, Not with the Taliban – FAJAR

United States Willing to Help Afghans, Not with the Taliban – FAJAR

FAJAR.CO.ID – The United States Congress is likely to finance the United Nations and other agencies to provide humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people. However, not through the new Taliban-led government.

The US has been one of Afghanistan’s biggest contributors since it invaded the country to overthrow the Taliban in 2001. It devotes around $130 billion to security, governance, development and humanitarian assistance.

Assistant Democratic congressmen say legislators will almost certainly provide humanitarian assistance to refugees and displaced Afghans, but not to the government, at least for now.

“It’s going to be difficult to convince members of Congress to do something that appears to support the Taliban government,” said a senior Senate Democratic assistant.

He said members of Congress are reluctant to support a government that is anathema to the people. An assistant to a senior member of the Senate Republican voiced the same thing.

“Republicans will definitely not support providing funding to the Taliban,” the assistant said.

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