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United States: update on W virus infections …

To United States, the health authorities ofArizona reported 1,567 cases of virus West Nile (WN ​​or West Nile virus) confirmed and probable in 2021. The vast majority (85%) of cases have been reported in the Maricopa County (1339), according to the most recent data. In addition, 110 deaths from WN were reported statewide in 2021, well over half of the total deaths from WN reported nationally. In addition to Maricopa County, the counties of Pinal and of Pima reported 120 and 94 total cases, respectively.

One of the explanations for this upsurge is that 2021 saw a particularly wet summer which followed an extraordinarily dry summer in 2020. In addition, the warmer-than-usual temperatures, which continued into November and early December, increased. delayed mosquito season.

To protect himself it is advisable to wear light-colored clothing with long sleeves, pants and socks in areas where mosquitoes are present, especially at dusk and dawn when they are most active; and protect yourself from mosquito bites by using insect repellents containing DEET.

Source : Outbreak News Today.

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